Angkor Wat in Black & White (MonochromeMonday)



Angkor Wat, an amazing temple in Cambodia

Like you might know from my Previous Post, I´ve been in Siem Reap this weekend and got the pleasure to visit the amazing temples of Angkor Wat. I really got to say that this was one of the most impressive sightseeing tours I´ve ever made and our Tour guide added it all up perfectly with details on the place and history as well as it´s mythology.

Being a big fan of black & white photographs I tried to show you some of mine on this awesome place. I took about 300 pictures that day and probably could have taken a million more as simply every corner got something beautiful to offer.

For today I´ve chosen two pictures of non rebuild corners, a Statue on a bridge as well as Angkor Wat itself from the northern side. I hope that you enjoy to look at them as much as I enjoyed to take them :)


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(A happy Steemian from Germany, living in Kuala Lumpur, travelling the World!)

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