Amazing Places #9 - The Alps during Winter


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The Alps are just amazing during Winter

Everyone, who´s been to the Alps during winter knows what I´m talking about. It already starts in the morning, whenever you open the door, step outside and breath in the fresh cold air while the sun gently touches your skin.

Wandering around in the snow, total silence all around and nothing but a beautiful view that you may enjoy all for yourself or share with your loved ones. It´s the perfect way to get away from the stressful daily life as you may simply relax and enjoy the beauty of mother nature.

Not to forget the joy of Skiing or Snowboarding. Sliding down the steep hill without anyone stopping you. The perfect moment of freedom, especially whenever you are among the first ones in the morning and the tracks are still untouched.

As I grew up just right next to the Alps I know them pretty well and can´t recommend you anything better than a trip during winter in order to enjoy their amazing beauty!






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Follow me @Starflyer-9000
(A happy Steemian from Germany, living in Kuala Lumpur, travelling the World!)

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