Statue Of Brothers In Korean War Memorial And The Tragedy Of The War

It was long time ago when I had visited the Korean War Memorial last time.
Suddenly my friend and I stopped by the Korean War Memorial for looking around

Whenever visiting the war memorial, it was weird for me to make the architecture for the memory of War.
War, itself, is nothing but the massive killing between humans.

So to memorize the war would mean the admittance of massive Killing.
In my opinion, where war is just or not, war itself is the result of the Devil’s whisper.

Especially the Korean war is different from other wars.
Korean War broke up in 1950 AD between North and South Korea.
It means that Korean War was a Civil War.
Civil war is the cruelest among all kinds of war, because the civil war means killing each other between brothers, sisters and relatives.

What I saw first was the statue of brothers at the entrance of the Korean War Memorial.
It seems that nobody concerns on the statue. But this statue is the most appropriate example to explain the characteristics of Korean War.


This statue of brother was made on the basis of real story.

Elder brother had joined in South Korean Army as an officer ,lieutenant. After the war breaking out by the North Korean Invasion, younger brother was conscripted with force by the north korean army in 15 years old.

They met at the battlefield, elder brother found his lovely younger brother after the fierce warfare.
They hugged each other in the battle field.


The round dome means one ethnic, and the broken part means the division of Korean peninsular.



The story of brothers was so touching. So they made the state in the War Memorial.

I tried several shots to show you their faces more in detail.


Inside of the dome was decorated with some artworks on war.



There were wires inside of the dome. It seemed to be needed to sustain this dome structure, but I'd like to interpret as the meaning that links together between the south and the north.


More than 3 million people were killed during 3 years war.

There exists the war criminal’s grandson in north Korea as an unprecedented dictator through human history.
Now they threat whole world with the nuclear bombs and ICBM.

The tragedy of Korean War is still continuing.

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