Cheonggeycheon Stream in the center of Seoul, Korea

Cheonggeycheon is the stream flows from the center of Seoul to Han River.

Cheonggeycheon means Clean Stream. Yes, It was clean before the industrialization in Korea. We have gained and lost many things through the industrialization. The one of the lost thing was Cheonggyecheon. From late 60th, Cheonggyecheon had been polluted seriously. The smell was unbearable, so they decide to cover Cheonggeycheon and make a road. About 40 years later, the mayor of Seoul city made up his mind to remove the road and made clean cheonggyecheon again. The mayor was became President of Korea. He was Lee Myeongbak. Cheonggyecheon was the only success in his political life.

Anyway overview was awesome. Where do you enjoy this beautiful stream in the center of the downtown.

People were enjoying strolling along the stream

You could cross from here to there

Under the bridge you could take a rest for a while
When the weather become too hot to stay at home, people are escaping from the heat under the bridge

When you are free, you can just sit on the streamside.
Look at those salary men, they are talking to each other. The Fishes and doves try to intervene their dialogue

I wish you a nice weekend.

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