Bunhwangsa Pagoda Of Shilla Dynasty, Unique Style Of Pagoda

Bunhwangsa Pagoda had been built in Shilla dynasty. It means that I had been made nearly 1500 years ago.

Sometimes it was amazing for me to see the relics which had been made for long long years ago.
Especially when I face with the relics which looked like abandoned, I felt something strange for the meaning of history and our lives.

Whenever I come across the relics by the road, I tried to imagine who made this works.

It was something strange why I felt such a feeling when I came across the relics at unexpected place.

Bunhwangsa pagoda seemed not common in Shilla dynasty.
The style was quite different from other pagodas of Shilla dynasty.
It was usual that Pagoda had been built with the stone and the wood at that times.
But Pagoda in Bunhwansa temple was made with the fired bricks.


It’s style seemed similar to that of India.

I remember Buddhist pagodas in India.
Many of them were made by the bricks.




Let me show you Pagoda in more direction




The foundation was the stones.
On the stone foundation Pagoda was built.

I can’t explain wether there was some kinds of linkage between Shilla and India.

Inside of Pagoda was filled with stones. I could see stones through the windows.
There are four windows and two warriors an each window.
The warriors were the symbol for keeping the Buddhist Principles.


Their postures were applied to the formation of training in Taekweondo, the Marshall art originated from Korea.

There are lots of things to show and explain this Pagoda to you.

Next time I'd like to introduce the warriors and the lions of this pagoda to you.

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