Happy Holi from @SirCork on location, in Kolkata India!

Hey Again, Steemitizens

Some say he walks the kolkata slums alone.

Some say he has super coconuts...

We call him...
"The American"

Surrounded by kids in the slums just a few blocks walk from my guesthouse

The matches I was given when I asked the kids for a light for a cigarette

Check out the angry guy in the back. Hahaha, guess he is having a bad day :D

The children surrounded me with squirt guns... filled with colors, this place is going crazy today!

I am having trouble uploading pics here on this net speed. I will post more later, I have some amazing shots to share!

I know, I know, I said I was going to blog every day from the road.




I left home last Friday from Richmond, Virginia, USA, stopped to change planes in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania and then was off to the Netherlands to meet @poeticsnake!

Two days there saw me jumping a jet and landing in Abu Dhabi U.A.E. where I met up with @funshel for a fantastic day of siteseeing around the city.

Then I made the leap over to Kolkata India, where I am now.

The whirlwind nature of the stops, has left me never having enough time to fully charge my devices and Im filling my phone and cameras with photos and my mind and heart with stories to tell for years to come.

Unfortunately though, internet in airports and guest houses is as sketchy as electricity itself in India so I am way far behind in getting the fun stuff to posts here as soon as I would prefer.

I will be posting some epic stuff in the days to come, so keep an eye on my blog. You simply won't believe some of the amazing things, the hilarious things and the heart warming, tear jerking things that I have seen and experienced along this amazing journey.

For now, I once again, find myself in a hurry and no time to post a solid post beyond this quick note.

I am alive, healthy, and enjoying the heck out of this trip. The people of the world are incredible.

There will be much more to come so watch this space!!!!!!!!!!!


From the road, from the heart,

Yours in service,
Witness #73
Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStar Network

PS: Sorry I missed my two broadcast slots this week, and I wouldn't hold your breath that I will be live this week either. My shows will return, once I have returned to the land of solid high speed internet by March 12th.

I miss you all, love you all, and I'll see you.... on the road.

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