Let's travel to Dorouk Swamp

The Duke Swamp is so beautiful that it is like a mystery movie; Suddenly he encounters a strange sight; The moss-covered water intake is surrounded by trees, and the sun's rays through the branches of the trees cast a play of light on the water intake surface. This image is exactly what you will experience on your trip to Duke Lagoon.


In fact, Duke Swamp sometimes finds an eerie and mysterious face despite the beautiful fog that rests on it. The trunk of an old tree can be seen next to the lagoon where travelers go and take pictures. The forest cover and towering trees give a special effect to this lagoon, and groups of off-roaders and motorcyclists, who are mostly visitors to the lagoon, camp here.

The best time to travel to Duke Lagoon

The forests of Kelardasht are immersed in beauty in the spring and the land covered with greenery and the fresh buds of the trees, arouse the admiration of any tourist. With the onset of summer, the greenery of the trees increases, and the heat of the sun makes the radiance of the forest and the swamp more visible.



Autumn in this area, with the colorful clothes of the trees and the rustling sound of the leaves underfoot, creates a dreamy scene; However, the cold of winter and rain make traveling to this area in the cold season a bit difficult. In general, the first half of the year can be considered the best time to visit the Duke Swamp.
Since the trip to the Duke Lagoon is a relatively long tour, it is recommended that you travel lightly to the lagoon. Carry hiking boots for hiking, bring a backpack with full equipment and a camera. Remember that it is better to take extra clothes on each trip.


If you plan to camp around the lagoon, be sure to go with full equipment and bring a tent, sleeping bag, food, and drinking water; Especially since this lagoon is so pristine that there are no amenities along or around the forest path.

Where is the Duke Swamp?


The Duke Lagoon, which is one of the sights of Mazandaran province, is located 198 km from Tehran and near the village of Pimbour Kelardasht. In addition to a four-hour drive, it is about a four-kilometer walk away.

The access route to Duke Lagoon

To travel to Drauk Lagoon, you have to go from Chalous Road to Kelardasht. In this way, on Chalous Road, when you reach the city of Marzanabad, move towards Kelardasht and from there change the direction to Abbasabad.

After a distance of about five kilometers at the beginning of Abbasabad road, continue the right path to Pishnbor village in the leading three-way road. Then, passing through villages such as Lashser, Peshnbur, and Bazaarsar, enter Pimbur Road, which is the last village of the route, and a little further on, the asphalt road ends, and you have to park your vehicle at the gas station.
If you travel to this area by off-road vehicle, you will not have a problem and you can go near the lake; But ordinary car passengers have to park at the end of the asphalt road. Along the way, you have about 1.5 to two hours of hiking and hiking, where you can enjoy the forest air and the sound of birds. In fact, one of the pleasures of this trip is hiking and exploring the lagoon.
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