Sunrise on Saturna, an otter tale

Getting up early is not something I’m in the habit of doing, mostly because of my career in the service industry and as a photographer. However on special occasions I do peel myself out of bed to photograph a specific species or jump in the water because the tides are just right. On this particular day I’m so glad I did.

This year was my first year shooting multiple weddings during the summer season. In the past I’ve been way to busy during the summer with my other job that I just could not make it happen however this year was different.

Living on an island, especially Vancouver Island allows you to take for granted a few things: the ocean, the wonderful year-round outdoor adventures and great weather we have on the south island. But getting to go to a smaller island is always such a refreshing way to remember what you have and appreciate it that much more.

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I had just complete a 15 hour wedding shoot for my friends the day before on the brides beautiful family property on Saturna Island and was hoping to get a good nights sleep before heading by home but the fiery ball in the sky beaming into my room at 545am wasn’t letting me do that.

So I figured I’d take this chance to do something a little different. I grab my camera and a cup of coffee and headed down to the beach.

After a little time beach combing looking for something to shoot other than the sunrise I heard some very unique sounds come from the water. The high-pitched chirp was unmistakably the sound of young otters. Once you have heard the sound you’ll never forget it.

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For the better part of twenty minutes the group of otter’s frolicked and foraged for food in the tidal pools and shoreline. They knew I was there and kept their distance. Non the less it was a great time for me to shoot an animal I don’t get to see all that much living in a city.

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I did learn however that my skill as a sunrise animal photographer need to be honed a bit more. I’ve been shooting for years but the conditions that morning, my subjects, and my lack of sleep made things a little more challenging that’s for sure. Maybe I will try and get up earlier more often it diffidently was a beautiful morning.

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I highly recommend a visit to Saturna Island or any of the Gulf Islands if you get a chance. Each one is its own small community with its own characteristics and charisma.

Thanks for reading.


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