brazil 2 [eng]

hello dear friends

it is winter here in são paulo, but that does not mean that it is snowing or raining, but that the temperatures are sometimes below 20 degrees. but the people are hard on the suffering and even I look back to the heat in manaus.

read now, here what happened to me during my week there.

We wake up as the only remaining passengers on Saturday morning on the boat, Luari has found a host on the couchsurfing app and we have organized an accommodation for the next night. However, it turns out that his house is far out of the center and moreover in a relatively dangerous part of the city. That's why we, dani, lori, harvey and I decide to go to the hostel, which I had chosen before.

So we checked in to the semear hostel and here was a really needed shower, before we went looking for a breakfast. We found a nice café near the theatro amazon and here we ate tapioka, a kind of pancake made from manioc flour, stuffed with cheese. Before we went to playa negro beach in the afternoon, we ran to the market and tried açaí, a berry species that grows here in the amazon, in a single berry is more vitamin c than in a whole orange. It is a natural energy drink and very popular with the inhabitants of the city. However, it is hardly possible to pay for this tropical fruit outside.

We also bought some avena and nuts, as well as granola and fruits to have a properly breakfast tomorrow morning.
The beach is about half an hour up the river by bus, but still in the city area, here are the tourists and a large number of inhabitants, who are looking for cooling. However, the river here is the rio negro, which owes its name to the dark color of the water.

back from the water we go shopping in a supermarket and then cook tortillas with a vegetables salsa and drink a beer before we go to sleep.

I spent the day with doing nothing in the hostel. don’t judge me, something must be.. netflix and café accompanied me.

today was a great day for me, i found out this morning after breakfast how exactly you can apply for a tax number here in brazil. I need them here to buy a car. So I ran to 9 clock to the post, the first step is a note that you get in the mail against the template of a passport and some money. It is a kind of cash receipt with a barcode. Then I received a note, the address of the Ministry, which deals with the financial affairs and I went on the way. I walked for half an hour and then took the bus. When I arrived at the Ministry I got a number and would be called a few minutes later, to go to a coworker. he asked everything again and a few minutes later he printed this note.

This entitles me to pay taxes in Brazil and to purchase goods and real estate or vehicles. a miracle of brazilian administration. The way back was more exhausting, because now the sun was well up in the sky and it was therefore tropical hot. you could have roasted an egg on the sidewalk.

after another bus ride and a long walk, I reached the hostel and met here on luari and nattaly, who just wanted to go to the playa de la luna. this is a relatively small beach on the other side of one of the tributaries of the rio negro. I joined them with an argentinian and we went by bus to the praia negra, from here we hiked again a kilometer or two to a marina, where we then boarded a boat for 7 real, that took us to the beach.

The beach here is fine sand, which accumulates and then forms a nice soft underground. the water surrounds the trees and you can even get beer and something to eat here. a great and not overcrowded beach on the edge of the city.

in the evening we took the last boat for the way home and then went by bus back to the center and the hostel. a very exhausting but successful day.

After yesterday's excitement and the whole running, I made myself a quiet day in the hostel today, looked a lot of netflix and otherwise next to shopping and cooking hardly anything done. It was not until the evening, when nattaly returned from her tour, that I arranged to meet her at the theater tonight. she had bought tickets for the theatro amazon, a björk tribute show would be on display here. So we left the hostel for 7 and went to this instance of cultural will.

we had great places in the second rank and enjoyed the music, which unfortunately was accompanied by a not so harmonious singer.

After the break and the second half we walked to a park, where some other people from the hostel wanted to sell caipirinhas, but they were not there when we arrived and we met them at the hostel, where we then went to have a drink.

i talked a lot with coco, about festivals, she mentioned the so-called universo paralello a psy festival here in brazil at the turn of the year. maybe an idea for me.
Full of anticipation for tomorrow I lay down to sleep.

I had agreed with nattaly yesterday that we will go to presidente figueiredo together today, this town is also called village of waterfalls because it is surrounded by just these. After breakfast and morning shower we drove with a collectivo to the bus station here in Manaus, which is ridiculously small for the size of the city. Here we bought our ticket and then sat at 10 o'clock at the window on the way to nature. Two hours later we were at the bus station of this small town and looked around and only after a lunch.
here in brazil, there are quite often so-called self service restaurants, which means for the guest, he takes what he wants and pays the weight in the end. We had a delicious meal and looked for a transport option to about 13 km away, cachoeira iracema. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the area. however, the taxis were so outrageously expensive that we decided to come hitchhiking to the entrance.

After waiting for a while, an older couple picked us up and drove us to the exit of the street of the waterfall, that was already a good piece, but there was still a lot left to wander.

On a wide road we ran further into the forest and then it started to rain and thunder really heavy. It was only minutes before we drenched ourselves completely and skidded across the muddy road in the havaianas. After about 30 minutes hiking we reached a kind lodge, or hotel. from there it was another 25 minutes walking until we reached the waterfall. however, the path had turned into a creek due to the prolonged rainfall.

Arriving at the waterfall we took some pictures, I was just thinking about how we should get back when natty spotted two people, a couple of thirty, who said they were also in our hostel. So we went and asked how they came here. They told us with a rental car and so we asked if we could possibly connect with them and so the return journey could be much easier for us.
they agreed and in connection we made only a few photos of the caves, which are also nearby, before we all ran together to the car.

Marcelo and Fernanda were their names and on the way to Presidente figueiredo we talked about travel plans and jobs. Arriving in the village, we looked at the beach, which is right on a river, but here it was very touristy and so we walked quickly back to the car, on the way to eat a sandwich.

We then drove to another waterfall, the so-called. Cachoeira Santuário is another very beautiful waterfall, again many photos were taken. the most impressive here were four birds sitting in the trees, opening the wings for a few minutes at the same time, and of course the surrounding nature of the waterfall.

After some time we all sat in the car and drove back to Manaus.
that was definitely the easiest way back and a very nice coincidence for us. We thanked and payed a little money for the gas, before we went to sleep.

a totally uneventful day, i slept for a long time, then wandered to the market, had something nice to cook, but the kitchen of this hostel is bad, uncoated aluminum pots, in which without oil, which is also not present, everything burns. In the market, however, I saw great tiles on the ground, against which every baltic promenade totally off.

Unfortunately, I had not picked so well the special ingredients, rice, an onion, carrots and tomatoes, you can now not just conjure up a gourmet feast. I tried it anyway and ended up being rather disappointed with the result.
but was edible and made me a little tired. In the afternoon I lay on the couch in the hostel or in the bed and looked at the new season of black mirror.
At some point I ate something again and then went to bed.

Today it was time to do something again, so I went for a fortifying avena breakfast to the botanical garden of the city. of course, he has no tropical-house here, as his equivalent in berlin, he does not need it, it has so even without the 35 degrees and 99% humidity.
On the edge of the large reservation is a management / visitor center and for 20 reales one can look around. There are guided tours, but I preferred to explore the paths on one's own foot.

the exhibition at the entrance, which deals with the different fishing techniques of different indigenous tribes, was unfortunately not translated into english and so I had to go with the movies. on the following way through the forest I saw all sorts of things, for example a special termite species, which lives in round structures on trunks and grated as an insect protection, some small frogs and the tree that we had already seen in the small village, with the burning resin copal. beside i discovered this amazing pineapple.

There is also a 40-meter-high tower with a viewing platform, which you can climb up to hike through the various layers of the trees and finally overlook the primeval forest.

After seeing the mushroom house, a pavilion with over 50 different mushrooms and also being in the butterfly house, I ran to the bus and drove back to the hostel.
arrived here, I ate the rest of yesterday and then lay down again, some time later silvia came, an Italian girl, who also lives in the hostel and told about a circus show in the theatro Amazon, I was of course very interested and we made our way to the theater at 19.30.

arrived there we unfortunately had to realize that the show had already started at 7 and we are not kinski / fitzcaraldo and therefore unfortunately we could not come in.
We talked and ran back to the hostel, on the way we ate hummus and aubergine cream with pita bread, as well as ice cream.
Back at the hostel I fell asleep relaxed.

This morning I prepared a brilliant breakfast for myself, two maracujas and a mango in the mixer, then some water and lime, mix. with some granola and oat flakes, you have a delicious super delicious breakfast.
I talked to the family while I ate and told them what happened last week, we also talked a lot about the car buying project and I'm really preparing for it.
After taking a shower, I got into bus 120, which took me to the marina, from which I packed with bananas and bread, boarded a boat to the praia de luna, so the moon-beach. Here I walked along the water for a long time to a small peninsula and went swimming in Rio negro.

then I read some time and wrote in the diary. in the late afternoon it seems to dribble and I started to look for a suitable place to stay. a little bit later, at the other end of the beach, I came to a steep wall where, when you climbed up, two trees were at the right distance for the hammock. So I set up everything and went swimming again shortly before the sunset.

as i dried i watched the weather lights on the horizon and saw some huge lightning strike on the other side of the river. I immediately got a bit of a plau-feeling, because that's where we used to do there, watching the summer thunderstorms on the other side of the lake.

I fell asleep without a sleeping bag or blanket and woke up twice during the night, obviously some cool people had forgotten to tell me that a goa was running somewhere in the forest. It was too far to walk but loud enough to keep me awake for a while.

I stayed awake this morning for a long time. a group of ants had decided on my bread and to conquer the bananas, so I watched them break the whole bread and carry it away piece by piece. a really lengthy process.

When I was awake, I returned my camp and prepared everything to leave soon. I threw my stuff down to the beach and then climbed down the bank. Once at the bottom I spread the tarp and the hammock again in the sun and bathed for a while, before I built a sandcastle in the sand (yes robin) at the water.


I got hungry around noon and took a boat and bus back to the city, where I ate another shake in the afternoon, with the fruits left over. Then I packed my backpack and checked my mails for the ticket, which had still not arrived.
Worried about it, I went to sleep after a dinner, in a small restaurant next door.

at night, the alarm went off and I was preparing for today's exhausting day. I spent a lot of time sitting or waiting today. After a tea in the hostel I called a uber and drove to the airport, arrived here, I checked again my mails, there is no online check in. So I turned on the check in and did everything manually. through the security control and then to the gate.

The first plane took 3 hours to reach Brasilia, a large city in the governing district of this gigantic country.
Here I waited for about an hour on my connecting flight to Sao Paulo, more precisely to Viracopos, which lies further north at campinas. After two more hours in lofty heights, we landed in viracopos.

I was looking for a bus to the center of Sao Paulo, it will take about one and a half more hours, until I arrive at the bus station tiete. from here I have a connection to the subways and trains.

I fell asleep in the bus, then I asked and found a simple connection that would take me to santo andré in just one hour with three different trains.
Here at the station preferito saladino I got out and searched long for a restaurant or cafe with wifi. When I finally found one, I could write to Dante and tell him where I am and we made an appointment.

there i waited a few minutes before dante arrived, together we hiked to his university and i waited on a sofa in the lobby until his lecture was over.
Then we went back the way, off to his family. it is a very nice house in a quiet street of santo andre, dante lives here with mother, father and his sister, his big sister is traveling in australia so i can live in your room for a while.

Great conditions and a very warm welcome were waiting for me.
At dinner, I opened my plans, which is a bit difficult, because unfortunately they speak very little English, but with dante's help, it was still okay to mediate. dantes dad speaks spanish and i can understand him quite well. After dinner, I fell very exhausted in the pillows and a deep sleep.

Here ends the report again. you can look forward to exciting stories about buying cars in sao paulo, in the next few posts.
Thanks to Pepe, I've been trying a lot on the app huji lately, you can see it in the photos. like in the 90s. see you soon friends in the distance ..


here my current contact data:

Phone: +55 (11) 98842-2617
whatsapp: +54 9 11 2693-6601

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