argentinia 6 [eng]

Hello dear friends

once again a rainy day here in the capital of argentina, buenos aires. I'm in the apartment today with Joe and write you something so in the last week of action was going on with me. have fun while reading.

wichtig für meine deutschen follower, ich hab mich entschieden meine posts in deutsch und englisch zu teilen, um euch das lesen zu erleichtern.

We spent a very relaxing day in the house of Johnny's parents after we left the campsite. it is located in the village, villa general belgrano, just outside córdoba. The house is huge and has room for more than 10 people.

I enjoyed the good wifi, the comfortable sofas and a delicious lunch from the rest of the weekend. in the evening, we ate pizza together with the whole family, all 15 at a table. When I finished I went to sleep in the basement, I was tired of the day.

Actually, we had planned to move into the city on this Tuesday, to have one more relaxed afternoon and one night in the city, but the weather was so modest that we rescheduled and instead made a small hike up a hill in the city close up. the "pico aleman" is an approximately 1300 m high mountain, which can be climbed from a car park in about 30 minutes. we hoped to see a bit more upstairs, but it was way too cloudy.

the evening we spent with the family, we played acquire, a board game, it has parallel to monopoly. We also visited the house of Johnny's brother and his wife's restaurant today. they have finished a new cultivation some time ago, it looks a bit unfinished, but is definitely a nice house.

the next morning we closed the house and drove in the car on the approximately 600 km long stretch towards capital, buenos aires. On the way out of the city we bought delicious German bread, as well as cheese and yoghurt.
through the rain we drove a winding road until we stopped at some wood dealers because johnny wants to buy a special hardwood called Quebracho for his staircase in the house. It is a very dense hardwood one of the hardest in the world and is used here as a wood for pasture fences and for boat building, it is waterproof and can defy the weather for over 100 years. The insects are not particularly interested in this type of wood, so it is always used when something is supposed to last a particularly long time. the name of this wood comes from "quiebra hacha", which means "breaking ax". It was even exported to Germany and used there as a railroad crosstie. It has a very appealing, slightly reddish color, and Johnny specifically wants to use this wood for the steps as it has no knotholes and does not scratch. Of course it is not cheap, so we got some price proposals.


After this short excursion we continue with the car ride. it started to rain heavily when we were on the expressway to rosario and buenos aires at noon. At around 10 pm we reached the hostel where I had rented for the night.
I also invited johnny to eat tacos before we told each other adios.
He wrote me a terrific feedback that you can read here:

I also noticed that the dearest dog in the world, in my narrations has gone down so far something. Tijo. He is a 3.5 year old border collie and my constant companion for the past four weeks. every morning we greet each other, I grumble with him to the bet, while working he lies on the ground and watching me and when I want to go out for a walk, he is my amigo on the road. I did not think I could make friends with a dog, but he is a special animal and I will definitely miss him.

At the hostel I woke up well the next morning and had breakfast with two very boring german girls. then I went to the workaway project, which I had found. It is a project that wants to restore a town house from the 20s. unbelievably beautiful interior design, but unfortunately I am not qualified enough, no master carpenter and I do not have enough time in the city to help with the reconstruction. maybe another time.

Then I took care of the further accommodation issue and wrote a lot of mails on couchsurfing. Also, Joe and I have an appointment today at noon in his new apartment. We only had a café with him and later had a long walk. There were delicious biscuits and ice cream before we sat in the park for a while, where I told him about the plans I was developing with ennio. a great day.

For the evening I picked up my backpack at the hostel, because someone had stolen my towel, I stole another. yes I know, karma and so, but I've paid for what is now almost 40 euros and did not want to spend so much money again.
On foot I went to Maria, who offered to house me on her couch for the night. she is an interpreter and unfortunately relatively uninteresting. For dinner we had pizza and beer, but I was particularly pleased was the fact that I talked to her all the evening only in Spanish.

my entire friday i spent writing, reading and watching videos in a café near the main station. before I made my way to ignacio in the evening. he is my host for the weekend and a very nice man who lives together with a friend and three dogs, a little bit in the west of buenos aires.

When I awoke on the sofa today, it all hurt a bit, I'm a bit too big for his couch. After a long breakfast with Ignacio, I went to the plaza de mayo in the early afternoon.
Today, the demonstration for the legalization of cannabis takes place here, the Argentine pending the hemp parade in Germany, I had an appointment with Joe at 2 o'clock.

the smell of freedom was in the air. Here we also met Martin, who, because he unfortunately did not speak English, mainly talked to Joe. He was suspicious of me and I was glad when we left later to meet johnny in a nearby hostel. he was there with his buddy michael and helena one american.
In the early evening we never went home and headed for the apartment of Michael, he has an apartment, which he also uses as a workplace. He is a violin-maker by profession and always lives a few months in Germany and then again here.
He also has a great collection of tools.

We ate pizza and drank a few beers before heading to the Gibraltar bar, where Joe and Victoria were already waiting. We spent some nice hours with nice talk about traveling and living here in Buenos Aires. Following the bar we all went to a club, I should say, the worst club I went to.
There was an open gender party here and it was a very relaxed open atmosphere, but the music and the décor did not even make me feel close to home. a terrible atmosphere.
in the end that was the reason why i went outside at 4 o'clock in the morning to give myself some rest and to see what tijo does.
after some conversations with fellow clubgoers, i met pierre and theo, two friends who spoke english and lived around the corner. we, including Johnny and Michael and a few others later moved to ihre apartment to the aftern.
After a few hours, the sun was shining again, michael, johnny and I ran back to the violin-maker's apartment to be able to sleep for a while.

a classic sunday so, hangover mood. It was also Michael's birthday, so we had a delicious meal in the evening, before finally heading back to Ignacio. I completely fell into my sleeping bag and rested.

Next week it continues. I hope you are all well. best regards from the south


here my current contact data:

Phone: +54 9 11 2693-6601
whatsapp: +54 9 11 2693-6601

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