Chozun - A Blockchain Driven Travel and Loyalty Ecosystem


chozun 途赞 is the world’s 1st cryptocurrency backed by blockchain technology and smart contracts system for the travel, loyalty and lifestyle ecosystem. The chozun 途赞 ecosystem aims to ensure that the best personalized local experiences & services are presented to travelers using artificial intelligence and data science. This would allow users to build loyalty and gain loyalty points across multiple verticals and on a global scale.

The primary focus (i.e. customer segment) of the chozun 途赞 project will be the millennial’ independent travel market and would target the growing millennial outbound travellers’ market of China.

The chozun 途赞 project is an already established startup project, backed by Asia's leading accelerator' alumni ("Chinaccelerator"). It has already received funding in form of seed funding from SOSV, a VC and investment management firm.


The chozun 途赞 project aims to solve the current challenges faced by the traditional travel and leisure industry.

P1. 'Relevance' - Finding reliable and applicable leisure and lifestyle services and experiences on your travel needs searching through an excess, inappropriate, mostly outdated and sometimes bogus and counterfeit information hosted on multiple sources. Sorting through such data is a tedious and time-consuming exercise.

P2. 'Loyalty' - The traditional concept of customer’ brand loyalty system is old-fashioned and outdated. The system is heavily centralized while locking users to one loyalty system or brand.

In addition to that, customers cannot take advantage of cross-platform, cross-vertical and worldwide rewards, due to the centralized approach of existing loyalty systems.

P3. 'Authentication & Efficiency' - It is often hard to trust the authenticate the quality of business and travel experiences. In many cases, feedback come from different and subjective sources and it is often bought while providing fake reviews. This problem particularly finds resemblance in China, where feedback and positive reviews can be bought at dirt cheap rates.

chozun 途赞 provides solutions to tackle these challenges: -

S1. 'Relevance' - chozun 途赞 provides users with the relevant and best personalized local travel experiences and leisure services matching to their requirements. These personalized offerings are powered by proprietary Artificial Intelligence and Data Science solutions that are driven by cryptocurrencies. Additionally, chozun 途赞 provides reviews based on creation and curation of metascoring and backed by true representations of experiences through transactions using smart technology.

S2. 'Loyalty' - chozun 途赞 applies decentralized approach in loyalty. It aims in creating a strong business ecosystem which incentivises service providers and industry leaders with existing customer base to join the chozun 途赞 network and drive traffic to the network. chozun 途赞 has already build a network of more than 3000 service providers (joined the network) who provide services in the travel and leisure industry.

S3. 'Authentication & Efficiency' - chozun 途赞 applies ‘genuine rating’ approach, i.e. it uses feedback of only relevant providers (in the travel and leisure industry) or those who were engaged in loyalty programs. This helps in preparing review base and feedback based on actual transactions and not based on assumptions, marketing gimmicks or paid reviews. Feedback is also collected in an appropriate manner based around the user, provider and conditions.

chozun 途赞 already has an inventory developed on the blockchain technology and has started working on the development of its own proprietary protocols. The application of blockchain technology for providing genuine and authentic feedback or reviews, combined with loyalty protocols and its own AI solutions ensures that it becomes a more trusted source for bookings and travel experience related information.


The chozun (CZN) Tokens will be the utility token used on the chozun 途赞 platform. The chozun 途赞 ecosystem will be hosted on the Ethereum Blockchain Network and the CZN tokens will be ERC-20 compatible tokens.

The total number of CZN tokens to be issued will be limited to 100 Million tokens with 50 Million tokens placed for sale, including pre-sale during the token sale period. The supply of CZN tokens will be deflationary in nature.

CZN Token Distribution

chozun 途赞 Project' - Use of Proceeds


For more information on the chozun 途赞 project, please refer the following links: -

*Website -
*Whitepaper -
*Join at Telegram -
*Follow on Twitter -
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*Follow on Medium -

Published by 'Sameer S'
Bountyhive Username - Sameer
BTalk Profile URL: -;u=1978491

Disclaimer: - Kindly conduct your due diligence before making your decision on this project from the investment and legal perspective.

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