Recommended Breath-taking Natural Beauty Travel Plan Series #6 : To see the narwhals in the Arctic Bay in June: Part 2. 推荐绝境旅游计画系列6:六月到北極灣看獨角鯨: Part 2.

Iceberg CC0 FREE PHOTO. source

This is the sixth article of this series, continuing with the fifth article “to see the narwhals in the Arctic Bay in June, the only month we can see the narwhals.” In this article I will discuss the details of these two plans of seeing the narwhals in the Arctic Bay.

This article will let you know more about that how to travel to Nunavut to see the narwhals in Canada. It is no longer a completely impossible travel dream. It is possible to complete it. It is worth for you to read this article.

First, the video below is the part of the documentary film ”Earth: One Amazing Day”, released in May this year. There is a part of the narwhals. It is amazing and you must see this.

As the photo below, this is the first itinerary of the Arctic Kingdom this year “Great Migrations of the Northwest Passage”

Arctic Kingdom official website source

There is total eight days in this trip. The first day people will directly gather in the Arctic Bay. The second day people will take the snowmobiles and qamutik directly to the base camp which near the edge of the ice floe.

People will return to the Arctic Bay on the seventh day, and back to Ottawa from the Arctic Bay airport on the eighth day.

In the Arctic Bay, June to August is the hottest month. At the time of the trip, the temperature is from -2°C to 10°C. and it is constant 24-hour sunshine. This should be the hotter month compare with other months in this local area. I think that it is the best time to go there for people who are afraid of cold.

travel nunavut.png
Travel Nunavut official website source

As the photo above, the average temperature in Arctic Bay is 0 °C. At the same time this website provides a lot of information on traveling in Nunavut for your reference.

During this journey, you can enjoy the beauty of icebergs and ice floes in the base camp.

Iceberg CC0 FREE PHOTO. source

You can also see the narwhals and belugas migrating to the summer feeding grounds, and have the opportunity to see the polar bears and other Arctic wildlife.

Beluga CC0 FREE PHOTO. source

The cost of the trip is 14,295 CAD, not include tax.
In addition, the round-trip flights from Ottawa to the Arctic Bay are not included.

The second tour is the itinerary of the “Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari”.
Arctic Kingdom official website source

The biggest difference is that because the location “Navy Board” is on the top and right of this peninsula, it is not easy to go there. First, we need to go to the Pond Inlet from Ottawa before the trip, and to the Navy Board from Pond Inlet by private airplane.

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From Pond Inlet to Navy Board, Inlet, (search Navy Board, Inlet in google map). source

On the first day of the trip, people gather in the Pond Inlet, take the private airplane to their "Premium Safari Camp" at the Navy Board.

On the sixth day, take a private airplane back to Pond Inlet from the camp. On the seventh day, fly back to Ottawa from Pond Inlet.

During this tour, like the first tour, we can see the narwhals and belugas migrating to the summer feeding grounds, and have the opportunity to see the polar bears, seals, bowhead whales and other Arctic wildlife.

Whale CC0 FREE PHOTO. source

In this local area, the transportation tools will be the snowmobiles and qamutik (their traditional transportation tools).

And on this trip, if the weather and the ice conditions permit, we have the opportunity to visit the Bylot Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary,which is home of more than 200,000 birds.

Bylot Island Bird Sanctuary, (search Bylot Island Bird Sanctuary in google map). source

This trip only from May to June of the next year (2019). The photo below is the dates of the trips. Those who miss it this year only can join their group on the next year.

Arctic Kingdom official website source

The cost of the trip is 13,450 CAD, not include tax.
In addition, the round-trip flights from Ottawa to the Pond Inlet are not included.

the video below is the short introduction video about the tour: “Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari”.

If you want to see more details, you can go to their official website to do more research.

Arctic Kingdom 官方网站

In the end of the article, I will explain about this series again.

In the "recommend breath-taking natural beauty program", Since my specialty is money management, although I haven't visited most these places, through my research and planning according to a suitable budget, I still can provide a feasible travel plan for your reference. I will share including how to use less money, convenient transportation, the accommodation costs that are appropriate and not too expensive, and simple, comfortable and meaningful travel itinerary. It will let the feasibility of travel to achieve higher. Let people who have no time or no experience to arrange have more choices, and be sure to set off in the right season.

If you are very interested the tour of the migration of the narwhals, you can also see the Arctic Kingdom’s official introduction video below: Narwhal & Polar Bear Safari. It is about half an hour.

know more about to see narwhals in the Arctic Bay, Here is the series#5

know more about to see the milky way in Lake Tekapo, Here is the series#1

Welcome your comments, if you like my content, please to upvote, follow and resteem me@rockchlin, thanks.

推荐绝境旅游计画系列6:六月到北極灣看獨角鯨: Part 2.

冰山 CC0 FREE PHOTO. source





Arctic Kingdom 官方网站 source





travel nunavut.png
Travel Nunavut 官方网站 source

如上图,北极湾的平均温度大概在0 °C。同时这个网站提供非常多在Nunavut旅行的资讯,供你参考用


冰山 CC0 FREE PHOTO. source


白鲸 CC0 FREE PHOTO. source



Arctic Kingdom 官方网站 source

比较大的不同点是,在于因为地点Navy Board在这个半岛的右上边,这是个不容易到的地方。所以在行程前要从先从Ottawa到 Pond Inlet,再坐私人飞机到Navy Board。

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从Pond Inlet 到Navy Board, Inlet, (search Navy Board, Inlet in google map). source

在行程的第一天到要到Pond Inlet集合,坐私人飞机到他们的在Navy Board的营地“Premium Safari Camp”。

第六天再从营地坐私人飞机回Pond Inlet,第七天搭飞机从 Pond Inlet回Ottawa。


Whale CC0 FREE PHOTO. source


并且在这个行程当中,如果气候及冰况环境可以的话,有机会去到拜洛特岛候鸟保护区 “Bylot Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary”。

拜洛特岛候鸟保护区(search Bylot Island Bird Sanctuary in google map). source


Arctic Kingdom 官方网站 source

此外,从Ottawa到 Pond Inlet的来回机票是不含在里面的。



Arctic Kingdom 官方网站


在" 推荐绝境旅游计画"中,由于我最擅长的专业是金钱管理,所以虽然大多数地方我没有去过,但是透过研究、依照适宜的预算来作计画,我可以提供一个可行的旅行计画供你参考,我会分享包括如何用较少的金钱、方便的交通工具、适当又不会太昂贵的住宿费用,以及简单舒适却又有意义的旅游行程,让旅行的可行性达到更高。让没有时间或是没有经验安排的人,多一个选择,并且把握在合适的季节出发。

如果你非常的有兴趣,可以看Arctic Kingdom他们” 獨角鯨與北極熊之旅 “的官方介绍影片,约半个小时。



欢迎你的回应。如果你喜欢我的内容,请投票及追踪我@rockchlin, 非常感谢。

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