How to make your dream journey come ture? #1 See the milky way in the Lake Tekapo. 如何让你的绝境美景旅程梦想成真? #1

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Tourism is one of the dreams that most people pursue in their lifetime. However, people may not be able to finish their dream journey because they do not have time to do the tourism plan or do not have enough money to go there.

Since my specialty is money management, so in this series, I will write down the "recommend breath-taking natural beauty program", including how to use less money, convenient transportation, the accommodation costs that are appropriate and not too expensive, and simple, comfortable and meaningful travel itinerary. It will make it be easier for you to complete your dream journey, whether travel by yourself or with your dear friends, partners, or families.

Although I haven't visited most these places, through my research and planning according to a suitable budget, I still can provide a feasible travel plan for your reference and let the feasibility of travel to achieve higher. In this way, let people who have no time or no experience to arrange have more choices. and be sure to set off in the right season. Because there are many fantastic views or seasonal events only be met at a specific time! We must take the chance.

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This time, the first article of this series, I would recommend you a breath-taking natural beauty is that to see the milky way in the Lake Tekapo in New Zealand. You can travel there in June or July.

New Zealand is in the southern hemisphere, so the season in New Zealand is just the opposite to the Northern Hemisphere. The Autumn is from March to May, so right now the season is in Autumn. The weather is usually sunny, long hours of sunshine, and the temperature is higher than June which transform to the winter. For people who afraid code, now it is also a good time to go to the Lake Tekapo. You can see the beauty of the autumn views in New Zealand, but the chance of seeing the Aurora will be lower.

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Winter is from June to August or in early September. The temperature in winter is usually between 10 ºC到15 ºC, but different area will be different. In general, the season changes from autumn to winter in June, but it will not be so cold, so there will be no snow. This will also be the month that the least people to go to New Zealand, so the air tickets in June is also the cheapest during the year.

People who concern the budget first or afraid code can consider starting in June. From June to September, there is a chance to see the Aurora. The only fly in the ointment is that people can't to see the snow view at that month. The more important thing is that Queenstown Winter Festival will celebrate across in 21st June to 24 June 2018.

The official website link of the Queenstown Winter Festival

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July will be the coldest month of the year in New Zealand. The further south you go, the lower the temperature will be. July will be relatively cold compared to June, so that you can see the snow views in New Zealand or to participate in winter activities such as skiing or glacier hiking.

Because of that our "recommend breath-taking natural beauty program" topic today is to go to the Lake Tekapo to see the milky way in June or July. From June to August, The temperature in Lake Tekapo is from -1 ºC到 9 ºC. So people who want to go to see the milky way or want to wait to see the Aurora, remember to keep warm.

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The nights of June will also be the longest nights in New Zealand. If you want to see magnificent milky way, the weather can't be cloudy at the same time, and the moon can't be full moon because of that full moon will be too bright, and the moon will light up the entire night sky and we can't see the wilky way over the night sky.

Especially if you want to take a great photo of the Milky Way or a photo of a star trail, you will need a longer night time.

Because of that the moon size will effect the brightness of moon. Don 't go there when the date is full moon. These dates below are the most suitable dates to see the milky way view:

June: between June 7 and June 19.

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source : earth and sky official website

July : between July 7 and July 19.

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source : earth and sky official website

August : between August 5 and August 18.

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source : earth and sky official website

the Mount John Observatory Tour

In addition, the Mount John is next to Lake Tekapo. The top of Mount John is about 1037 meters high. There is the Mount Observatory on Mount John. It is a national observatory hosted by the University of Canterbury. If you have an extra budget, you can also join their Mount John Observatory Tour to star gazing and stellar observations when you arrive to Lake Tekapo. The tour time included traffic is about two hours. There are English and Chinese groups, so amazing. The adult fee is 150 New Zealand dollars. If you need other more details, I provide their official website links here,, and there is also a Chinese version of their official website.

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earth and sky official website

So I make a small conclusion here: If you want to go to the Lake Tekapo to see the milky way, it is a good time to go there in June or July.

The first reason of June is that there will not be too many people going to New Zealand during the off-season. So the air ticket is cheaper. Second, the nights are longer, You can relax and enjoy to see the milky way. There are also enough time for take the photo of star trail. Third, the Queenstown Winter Festival will Celebrate across in 21st June to 24 June 2018.

The reason of July is that you can easily see the snow views in New Zealand or to participate in the winter activities such as skiing or glacier hiking.

The best time to see the Aurora in Lake Tekapo is from June to September. Other parts about the Lake Tekapo and Aurora, I will discuss in my next article.

See the video of the fantastic milky sky of New Zealand.

如何让你的绝境美景旅程梦想成真? #1

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由于我最擅长的专业是金钱管理,所以在这个系列当中,我会写下" 推荐绝境旅游计画",包括如何用较少的金钱、方便的交通工具、适当又不会太昂贵的住宿费用,以及简单舒适却又有意义的旅游行程,让您更容易的完成一个个的梦想旅程,不管是你自己或者与你亲爱的朋友、伴侣、家人们。


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冬天是6月到8月或着是到9月初,冬天的温度通常会在10 ºC到15 ºC之间,但看地区会有所不同。一般来说,6月的时候正要从秋天转成冬天,但是不会到那么冷,所以还不会到下雪的时候,下雪的机会比较小,这也会是去纽西兰的最淡季的月份。所以6月也是一年之中机票最便宜的时候。

以预算为第一考量的及怕冷的朋友可以考虑六月出发,从6月到9月都是有机会看到极光的时候,唯一美中不足的只有看不太到雪。更重要的是,今年的皇后镇冬季嘉年华,是在6/21-6/24 2018.


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7月会是纽西兰全年最寒冷的月份。越往南边走的话,气温会越低。 7月去相对6月会比较冷,但是也因此可以看到纽西兰的雪景,或是参加冬天的活动,譬如滑雪或是冰川健行。

因为我们今天的" 推荐绝境美景计画"的主题是在六月或七月到蒂卡波湖"Lake Tekapo"看银河,蒂卡波的温度,在6到8月的时候,大概在-1 ºC到9 ºC左右,所以要去看银河或是等待看极光的朋友,要记得身体的保暖措施。

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earth and sky 官方網站


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earth and sky 官方網站


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earth and sky 官方網站

Earth and Sky的天文台观星解说团
此外,在蒂卡波湖旁边的约翰山山顶,约1037公尺高,有约翰山天文台“Mount John”它是由坎特博雷大学所主持的国家级的天文台观测站。如果你有多余的预算,也可以在到蒂卡波湖堪星空的时候,参加约翰山天文台他们的观星团作观星。时间含交通大约是两个小时,有英文跟中文团,真令人惊艳。成人费用一个人是150纽西兰币,其他的详细内容我就提供官方网站联结在这里,并且他们也有中文版的官方网站。

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earth and sky 官方網站


6月去的原因第一是因为旅游淡季去纽西兰的人不会太多,所以机票便宜,第二是晚上时间长,你可以放轻松享受银河的美景,也有足够的时间拍星轨。第三是今年的皇后镇冬季嘉年华,是在6/21-6/24 2018.




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