How We Found $7000+ Traveling to The Drug Capital of Australia - Travellers Blog

ﹰWhat you focus on, think about with passion, will inevitably come to you!

  • Thee disclaimer is you have to move forwards what you want. Making the most of the laws of convergence and the speed of convergence !

The story starts with a group of friends who went Road Tripping Through Australia.

Across 2 states, Queensland and New South Wales!

I will introduce you to my friends, that's Tatiana on the right and Yulia on the left. @SugarMe is the Tiana's steemit account. There were another two people with us not in the Picture bt their names are Ivan and Lily.
Thay day we wanted to travel from Queensland to New South Wales. Essentially go from Brisbane to Gold Coast through Gold Coast on to Byron Bay. On the way to Byron Bay we wanted to stop off at a very interesting place called Nimbin. I will link a Wikipedia page about the city Nimbin. It's more of a village and a lot of people as well as Wikipedia consider it to be the hippy or drug capital of Australia. NIMBIN WIKI

To understand Nimbin just read the Shop Hours


Walking around the city which is just a small road with maybe 30 or so shops on it we found a lot of cool things. I wish I had more pictures on this phone but as soon as I recover the phone I smashed I will make another post so stay tuned. The things we saw there were very cool ethically made clothes. Very cool music, hats bags funny stickers that you really have to see. A huge selection of paraphenelia for weed smoking. All sorts of different bongs pipes papers grinders evaporated , you name it.

And in one shop we struck gold!

Well it was actually Silver, 8 ounces of pure .999 carat silver. The crazy part is they cost $15 an ounce ! It's already undervalued but the dollar to Silver ratio according to the debt clock is $706 per ounce ! So for just $120 we got over $7,000 of silver in Australian dollars !

I know quite a bit about commodities. So straight away I knew that it was real genuine perthmint silver coins. Not only did they have value in the actual 24 carat silver but there were numismatics as well. Basically what that means is the older the coin the more value it has because it's rare. Basically exactly the same as cryptocurrency. And when I walked out the shop I was like queue the music:



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