Wonderful 'Staycation' in Pulau Nasi, Aceh

Last weekend I went to Pulau Nasi, a small island in Aceh Besar region, just for short staycation. It's kind of vacation but only staying in one place. I choose this place because I have been visiting the island and have more attachment - and more comfortable of course- to stay here, especially in Nipah Beach

At first, I thought to immediately went to Nipah Beach, and stay there for couple of days. But as some of us had never been there, we had to travel around little bit.

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                   Short rest while enjoying the view

From Lamteng to Kaca kachu, to Pasi Janeng and had our first coffee in this little tiny yet very beautiful island, then to Nipah beach.

This beach has wonderful view, nice dock, importantly nice place to swim and play around. We're in the water for couple hours, and standing still even when the rain pour 😄 . That day wasn't really a good day to travel because of the rain, but it was a good moment for me to stay away from my work, even if it is only for a very short time


                      one of my favourit spot for coffee

I've been traveling to this island around 6-8 times for the last 2 years. The place is easy to reach, close enough to the city where I live, and affordable accommodation fee.

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The local people also friendly. We would hangout with them during the night, over cup of coffee by the beach. We also ordered our lunch and dinner, as part of empowering business of local people.

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                       First Cup Noodle for the day

God already present this beautiful world, let us enjoy it to the max while still keep it in a good shape, and not destroy it instead. While traveling, we got to enjoy not only the view, but learn the local wisdom. We definitely learn a lot through traveling.

Don't you think so?

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