Beautiful Berlin Chapter 2

Fountain of Neptune

Built in 1891. Roman water and sea god Neptune is in the middle. Around it, four women represent the four rivers of Prussia. Elbe, Ren, Vistula and Oder. The fountain was replaced by the old Berlin City Palace in 1951 when it was demolished. Restored and moved to its current location in 1969.

Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (Ruined Church)

During World War II, about half of its tower was destroyed. However, it has not been restored to be exemplary.

Brandenburg Tor

This structure, which stands only one way out of 18 doors in the city, means a lot to Germans. Brandenburg Gate; It was built in the Neo-classical style in 1791 during the German Empire. The 26-meter high city gate is inspired by the monumental gate at the entrance to the Acropolis in Athens. The royal family used the middle passage as people passed through only the first two intervals. In 1793, on the door, four horses called the "quadriga" were seated in the car and a statue of Viktoria, the goddess of victory was added. Napoleon, who came to the city with his victory in 1806, likes the sculpture of Quadriga. He's the first person to use the door to win a victory, and he takes Quadriga to Paris to take it off. In 1814, when the Prussian general defeated Napoleon, the sculpture was replaced. Viktoria, who uses the car with one hand, has Germany and the eagle and the cross in the other. The door was damaged during World War II. Only one horse's head is left of the original Quadriga. During the Cold War, the Reichstag remained in West Berlin, the Brandenburger Gate in East Berlin. After the demolition of the Berlin Wall on 22 December 1989, the population of 100,000 people celebrated their first New Year. This door has become the symbol of a reunited Berlin.

 Victory Column is a monumental column located in Berlin, the capital of Germany. It was designed by Heinrich Strack in 1864 to commemorate the Prussian victory in the Second Battle of Schleswig.  

Nikolai Church

Nikolaikirche is the oldest church in Berlin, the capital of Germany. The church is located on the east side of Mitte, the central district of Berlin. The area around the church, known as Nikolaiviertel 'Nicholas Neighborhood', is an area limited by the river Spree.

The 1.3-kilometer-long Berlin Wall. Painted by artists and transformed into an art element.The Berlin Wall began to be built in 1961. At least 235 people lost their lives while trying to escape from the 46 km long wall to the west. Five thousand people managed to escape. It was destroyed in November 1989.

Socialist fraternal kiss; The most famous picture of the wall. East Germany leader Erich Honecker and the President of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev kissed in the lips and made this photo famous.

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