Introducing Emily Paquette! A creative and adventurous student who is very excited to get started with Steemit!

Hello! My name is Emily Paquette and I am a small town girl, born and raised in Canada.


I am 18 years young and I am currently enrolled in my second year of university at the University of Ottawa as a Bilingual student. I am currently in the Criminology program and I will soon be transferring into the Psychology program to complete my degree with a major in Psychology and a minor in Criminology. My journey as a psychology/criminology student began as I took interest in many crime shows, book, reality television and even the news. I began to wonder why criminals committed crimes and it led me to pursue my life and happiness in this field.

(Taking advantage of the winter weather for a lovely photoshoot)

A little more about me, I am a very creative gal and I am very excited to share with you my life, my hobbies, and my interests! I have a huge admiration for photography. Although I am no professional, photography is my pass-time and it is rare that I will miss the chance to take beautiful pictures. I love taking pictures of animals, trees, the water and my family and friends. I also love art, baking, animals and so much more!

(Feeding Chippy some chips while on a hike to Oiseaux Rock!)

I am also a very curious person; I adore learning new things and traveling around the world. I have traveled coast to coast in Canada, by car, and by plane. And I have also traveled to many places around the world, such as Vegas, Ireland, many many places in the United States and more. During my travels, I enjoy engaging in new experiences and getting to know other cultures and learning more about other countries. Through traveling, I have also gotten the chance to learn more about myself. For example, one thing in which I have learned about myself while traveling is my love for surfing; if it weren't for traveling, I may have never learned that about myself as it is difficult to surf in my little town in Ontario. Within my 18 years of life, I have lived through many wonderful experiences and I am very excited to share them with the Steemit community.

(I'm sitting down on a beautiful beach in Tofino, British Colombia during my Spring Break ready to Surf)

Now that you have gotten to know me a little better, it's about time I tell you why I am interested in Steemit. My interest in Steemit began through my mother. My mother is a proud Steemit member. She would brag about how great the Steemit community has been and she'd constantly fill me in on the exciting blog post from other Steemit members. My curiosity began to bubble and I had to know what all the excitement was about. It was then I decided to make an account for myself.

Now that I am a member, I hope you take interest in my bio as I have already brainstormed many ideas in which I am ready to share with you. I am excited to get my blog started so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading my introductory post, Steemit Community!

Till next time!!

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