Architectural Photography: National Theater in Prague

Hi there my Steemit friends and followers!

Wednesday used to be reserved for the architectural photography contest so let me stick to the theme and show you one of the most iconic architectural landmarks of my beautiful homeland Czech Republic - the building of the National Theater in Prague.


With its cornerstone laid as early as in 1868, the National Theater in Prague is one of the oldest theaters in Europe. It was opened on June 11, 1881 with Bedrich Smetana´s famous opera Libuse but just two months (and 11 performances) later, the theater caught on fire and was badly damaged by it. The incident was perceived as a national catastrophe by the Czech people who organized a collection to rebuild the theater. There was a massive response and wave of national enthusiasm from the Czech nation and the theater was reconstructed in just two years. The building was reopened in November 1883 and it has been considered one of the most important symbols of Czech history and art ever since.

I took the above featured photo from the Legion Bridge in the historic center of the city.


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