Angkor Wat - Largest Religious Monument in the WORLD (CAMBODIA)!!!!!!!!

Angkor Wat - Largest Religious Monument in the World

When I was in Siem Reap, Cambodia I paid a visit to the largest religious monument/site in the entire world and also the most well-preserved. Angkor Wat means City of Temples in Khmer (Cambodian national language).

And it’s true, this place is a city of temples large and small. The temples were built in the 12th century, originally dedicated to a Hindu god, Vishnu. Over time, it transformed into a Buddhist temple to worship Buddha. We got to the temple at sunrise and spent 6 hours roaming through the various corridors, temples, and sites. It was breathtaking! The temples were so well preserved, ornate and each had its own personality. It was amazing.

My favorite temple was the one where there were trees growing everywhere through the temple grounds.

Now, I’m not the most religious person, and still enjoyed the entire experience. Angkor Wat is the symbol of Cambodia and the king of all religious monuments in the world, regardless of your beliefs. It was an extremely interesting experience and I hope all of you get to go one day!

Please let me know if you want any travel tips or have any questions specific to visiting Angkor Wat!

Much love!

Disclaimer: repost from my post on my boyfriend's blog @tomtomcorley

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