Rafting trip at Kadamain river

Kadamaian River which stretches from the foot of Mount Kinabalu to the village areas in Kota Belud
offers a scenic view closer to the mountain and a thrilling white water Rafting experience.
The rafting will take you on a 10km ride , graded level 1‐2 and is moderately adventurous and relaxing, great for beginners to the more experience rafters
It is fun and safe , even for young children to the adventurous elders thus making it a suitable family adventure activity.
The starting point is located at Tagal Lingkuban approximately 1hour from Kinabalu Park and 2 hours from Kota Kinabalu City. The Rafting journey which takes about 1 ½ ‐ 2 hours stretches for 10km with a mix of technical rapids providing a thrilling experience and ends at Xtreme Paddlers’ ending point at Kg Taginambur, Kota Belud.

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