A trip to the Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park

We had originally intended to take the kids to the zoo, but with it being the 4th of July weekend, we decided to embark on a living history lesson with the kids and take a trip to the Blennerhassett Island Historical State Park.


Blennerhassett Island is incredibly beautiful and is best known as the place where one of the founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton, was killed by ex Vice President Aaron Burr in a duel in 1804. Burr challenged Hamilton to the duel because of character defamation on the campaign trail. Boy how times have changed since then huh. I can't imagine what they would make of our political circus today.

You have get to the island by stern wheeler, which was a blast. Here's our youngest trying her hand at the wheel. :)


Here's pulling into the island.



The island was originally inhabited by the Delaware Nation Indians, and was later bought in 1798 by Harman Blennerhassett. Blennerhassett and Burr were both later charged with treason by President Thomas Jefferson for trying to establish a new empire separate from the United States in the southwest.



They've rebuilt the mansion, as it was burned down in 1811 after the Virginia militia stormed the island after Blennerhassett fled to evade capture for treason. At one time, they had made the island totally self sufficient, with their own cattle herd, magnificent gardens and a 2 1/3 acre flower garden which has been said was one of the most breathtaking sites in all of the America's.



Here was the where the center of the flower garden was.


Blennerhassett had planted a full Black Walnut plantation on the island.


If you're unfamiliar with Black Walnut, it's one of the most sought after hard woods, and extremely expensive, with pricing reaching up to $20,000 per tree. Think I need to plant a few of these myself.


On second thought, I'll just keep on planting Steem Power. It's the gift that keeps on giving. :)

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Here's the fam poses for a pic in the plantation. Kids are having a really good time on this living history lesson. Or at least they're faking it really good. :)


Well, looks like our rides here and time to go.



It was an incredible time. We all learned a little more about our history and any excuse to get outdoors together as a family is a worthy cause. I had promised to to stay off Steemit while we were there, which I didn't and got in a little trouble for. :( Thanks @everittdmickey for that, lol. :)

Hope you enjoyed this and you and yours have a great 4th of July day weekend! Steem On and keep building up that Steem Power!

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