My Fiesta Bowl Experience - Phoenix, Arizona



I was very lucky to visit Phoenix two years ago. I was even luckier to be there for the Fiesta Bowl going on on New Years Eve! This is a short post because I prefer the few photos to speak for themselves. It was a great event and an amazing area to discover. I am planning on visiting Arizona again and would love some insider tips? Please comment!

I flew from Ottawa to Florida to celebrate Christmas with my family there. A few days later, my friend and I flew to Arizona for a few days of fun. It was my first time visiting a drier area. I had never seen anything like it! The view from above was breathtaking. I knew this short trip would be worth my time.



I was mind blown when the view switched to the photo above to the photo below in less time than an eyes blink.


We soon landed after a smooth flight. Made our way to the hotel on which we passed the University of Phoenix Stadium, where our event was to be held the next day. A very impressive venue if you compare it to what we have here in Ottawa (what do we event have here?).


We checked-in our room, went shopping, and enjoyed a famous Johnny Rockets milkshake before going to bed. I have to say that the most impressive part of the trip was the Fiesta Bowl. All of it. From the event, to the crowd, to the venue!!!


I could add more photos but am satisfied with this one closing the post. It was a unique experience. My first american football event. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Have you been to any similar event?



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