Confessions of a digital nomad part 2 - Doing it

Remember in one of my previous posts I talked about how it is starting out as a digital nomad?
The fear, the action, the start and everything else in between.

Well, now, on what's supposed to be a cold January day, I am sitting in a beautiful garden on a remote island in the Philippines. (Oh btw, speaking of this, did you see @thelifeofjord post on how to enter to win a trip to the Philippines? Check it out here.

I can't say I have figured this out. I mean, it's only even been one month or even less. But I am having interviews for online gigs, such as social media management, and besides that, putting effort in my own channels and creating great content.

It's such a journey, but oh, it's amazing. Learning and going through it all, challenges that come up daily and that you need to deal with, escaping the 9 to 5 routine, and breaking into a non stop adventure. It is seriously a full-time job, 24/7 you are on the spot, ready for some shots, ready to catch moments, film them, then transform them into a video and show them to your followers. Growing your audience. Thinking about what message I want to convey and working on it, daily. Getting there, day by day. Putting in the effort to interact with people, grow, find opportunities.

And I mean, I also think it's a constant chase. Just a constant run after opportunities, of all sorts. I have to say it's not easy and a lot of the people think that it's only pretty photos and nothing besides that. But it's just so much work behind it. And also more rewards, especially personally. That feeling when you see something you have created and it's beautiful, it's real and it is also a result of your work.

I will get back to you with more updates:) In the meanwhile, I would like to hear your stories, if there are any creatives or digital nomads around here.





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