Medieval village #1 : Perouges - France

Visiting a 600 year old restored Medieval village, is like traveling in time, you enjoy every part of it. That kind of experience engraved in our memory forever.


I went there on a school trip 30 years ago and while preparing this post, i could almost feel the resonance from the cobblestones (the paves) under my feet, i suddenly remember many things, the stones, the doors, the streets, this unique atmosphere...



Presentation :

Perouges is one of the most beautiful french village located 30km from Lyon, with typical half-timbered houses, fortress rampart, and historical monuments.
Construction dated from the middle Ages at the end of the XIVc ,was completed in 1411.


During the industrial revolution in the XIX, the village lost most of his inhabitants, and was scheduled for demolition in 1909, until a Defense committee save him to start restoration.


Bill Clinton pronounced a speech here while attending an International Summit in Lyon, most of French The Three Musketeers movies were shot in Perouges, as well as Angelique, Fan fan la Tulipe and the Bride (1985).

History :

The fortress of Perouges was built in the XII century, before becoming the home of hemp weaving production in the middle Ages.


The location between Lyon and Geneva was a good opportunity for the craftsmen, and the city has up to 1500 inhabitants before the french revolution in 1789.


What to do :

Just being happy to be there !
Usually travelers will stay in Lyon and go for one day trip to visit this wonderful village.


Of course there is the famous Medieval Festival in June....
or the Week-end musketeers around 14 July.


In July and August, you can enjoy an open-air summer market with locals, and a Christmas market is organized is December. Don't miss the famous yummy Sugar Galette of Perouges.


Enjoy a delicious meal at Place des Tilleuls restaurant not to mention to taste the local wine : Cerdon, Montagnieu or Hypocras the spicy one with rose smell !

How to get there :


Book a flight to Lyon, or land in Paris & take the train TGV for a 2 hours.
You can either rent a car in Lyon, Perouges is at 45 minutes drive,
or buy a one day tour to the Medieval City, ask information at your hotel reception.

Where to stay :

What about spending one night in a 600 years old hotel ?


L'Hostellerie de Perouges is one the oldest medieval hostel in France,
you can find out more here

Hope you enjoyed reading, stay tuned for the Medieval city #2

Photos from google
Credits belong to their respective owner
Original text from @olisan

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