Getting our Gringo Hair Braided in Honduras

Another thing that we did while on our last cruise was that we decided to let this lady braid our hair. She was pretty insistent, and we had nothing else to do while waiting to get back on the ship.


We had just gotten back from zip-lining which was a ton of fun. I'll post about that once I get the photos together. It was a gorgeous day on the beach, and the sun was beating down. This lady was going around telling everyone how amazing their hair would look in braids (of course).

She was super sweet, so we went ahead and gave her the money and sat in the chair. Here is me before:


Too bad our hats were on, so you couldn't see how long the hair was, but you can kind of tell - at least on me. My hair has grown significantly since these photos were taken!


I'll throw in that shot of a little monkey friend that I made. For some reason, he constantly put his hand over his eyes. I'm not sure if it was training, or some kind of tick.


So getting those tight braids is a painful affair! But I guess you need to pull pretty tightly to get those small braids.


There's the back of the head after she was done.


And there is the front. She had to do it kind of weird because we were trying not to expose my receding hairline. I think it looked better with my bandana on!


Amanda came out looking much cuter than me, of course. But oh, well!

Because my hair is so fine and not so kinky, the braids really didn't last more than a day or two then I had to start picking them out. It was beginning to look like a rats nest on my head.

Well, it was a bit of fun while it lasted!

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