Are These Songs Likeable? Or Was I Just Crazy?

You know how when you hear an old song it brings you right back to the time in your life when you used to listen to it?
Or to when you first heard it?

It's amazing how music has the magic power to just transport you back in time like that (even if it's only in your head).

So today, I just happened to hear an old song from "back in the day" and decided "time travel" could totally be the theme of #TravelTunesTuesday.

Looking through old songs, I noticed that my music taste has been on a major rollercoaster ride for the past 15 years!

My playlist looks like it's owned by someone with multiple personalities.

(think each one of my personalities could have their own bdays and get their own presents??)

So that brings me to the first song.

Matt Pond PA- So Much Trouble

This one brings me back to college. In one of my classes, the professor would always play music for 15 minutes in between class time. I was always there early because the class right before it was just across the hall.

I loved his playlist because he played a lot of "underground" music that I'd never heard before which automatically made it cool.

Also, he occasionally played songs that I DID hear before but thought I was one of the only ones that knew it.

Looking back, a lot of these songs were probably "underground" because that's where they deserve to be buried. 😆

But I still like this one. I can't tell if that's just leftovers from liking it back then, or if I genuinely still like it. Do you ever wonder that when listening to old music?

Mason Jennings - Which Way Your Heart Will Go

Darn, I wanted to do Incurable Blues by Marc Cogman but there was only one really bad video on youtube! I'm shocked, and a little hurt lol.

Well, this one counts too for the same thing.

This song actually brings me back to riding on crazy long bus rides in Costa Rica.

Every weekend, my group of travel friends and I would pick somewhere new to go to. Most of our trips involved ridiculously long bus rides. Or at least 5 hours on a bus. We'd share our music with each other, so even though this song is in English, it makes me think of my time in a Spanish speaking country.

It's one of the many that my friends shared with me on a long bus ride.

Mae- The Ocean

One of my best friends in high school showed me this one. I remember literally all of the songs on this cd that she burned for me. Remember when THAT was the cool thing to do? Burn cds for your friends?

I feel old.

We labeled this particular cd "Just Married" because even though I worked, went to school, and was involved in after-school activities...I STILL managed to have way too much free time to do dumb things with my friends.

And, since I've always been a cheapskate, our dumb things were usually because we were making up cheap entertainment.

One summer, we went around the parking lot at the mall with a couple of those car window markers and wrote "Just Married" on the back of people's cars and stuff.

She wrote it on my car, too. I remember my parents were really mad at me and I got in trouble for marking up people's cars. It was fun while it lasted. And I liked this song and all the others on the cd. They all make me think of the crazy times I had hanging out with this girl.

Yeah, we had some more upbeat music than this for car music...but I don't want to hurt you ears with that screamo emo Hawthorne Heights- Ohio Is For Lovers type high school music of mine.


What are some songs that remind you of travel? Or old songs? Make a post and tag #TravelTunesTuesday somewhere!

We'll check it out!

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