Traveling around Peru - Salineras de Maras

Situated in the Peruvian Andes and only a short bus ride away from the city of Cusco, you can find one of the beauties of the Sacret Valley, the Salineras de Maras.

These ancient salt mines feature over 3000 salt ponds which have been used to obtain salt since pre-Inca times. They are owned and run by families of the local community and passed from generation to generation.

The terraced ponds are located at the hillside of a canyon and filled with the salty water of a natural spring. Through small aqueducts and by controlling the water flow, ponds are filled with the salty water. After closing the feeder, the ponds are starting to go dry and after about four weeks the water has evaporated and the crystallized salt can be harvested.

The pink salt is mostly sold regionally and even though it might not be the most profitable business, the salt mines still ensure a critical income for local families survival.






Even though there are cheap tours leaving from Cusco, I totally recommend getting there on your own by public transport. It is easy to get there, the price is about the same and that way you will be able to avoid the tourist masses and to spend more than just the usual 30 minutes there.

The Salineras de Maras are truly a highlight of Peru’s attractions and definitely one of the most amazing Inca sites in Peru.

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