Travel Diaries # 8 Art collection at Louvre Museum – Paris

Louvre Museum is one of the magnificent structure of the world, a place with an extensive Art collection from all the best artist across the last few generations. This place becomes a must visit for every tourist in Paris..

The now Louvre Museum was once a fortress in the medieval times, which later became the home to King Charles V, but down the line in the 1700s Louis XIV moved the royal residence to Versailles and the Palace was turned a home to the Art Collection.

The Museum is spread across an area of 60600 square meters, and it’s not possible that you can see the whole of the museum in one single day. Though when you travel on a short trip you need to accommodate it in one day. Hence you need to plan what is it that will be of interest to you, try to cover up those areas first and then you can spend time for the rest.

The Louvre has a collection of almost 5000 Years spanning across civilizations.
The Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Islamic and many more civilizations history is found here under this one roof, royal collections, worldwide artifacts, renowned painting all so well preserved and maintained. You completely get awed by the magnitude of this place.

But trust me the whole place is so magnificent that you do not wish to miss out on any part. I had the privilege to visit it twice and I tried to make the most of it.

So here is some art collection from the Louvre from my two visits to Louvre. I like more of sculpture work, hence you will see that more over here.

This one is one of my most favorite painting in the museum, I just love the whole combination.

The Painting of Jesus with his disciples

The most talked about Monalisa

This is one of the other painting which I am fond of where you see AA Michael defeating the beast

A few sculptures

This is my most favorite section, the Iran gallery as this represents my culture.

A family click is definitely required :-)

Even the Ceilings have some magnificent art to offer

Some of the work on the outside of the museum

The other half of the Pyramid down which is at the Louvre station itself at the entrance of the museum.

This is just a very minuscule part of the Museum, majorly what has got my attention the most. Every nook and corner of the museum has something wonderful to display.
Trust you all enjoyed the Louvre Gallery.

Image Source -- All the images are of my own

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻

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