The Chinese Elements – Red Sorghum / 中国元素 – 红高梁

Sorghum and wheat, rice is the staple food of the Chinese people, but sorghum in China is mainly used for brewing liquor, like European countries, like wine made from grapes, sorghum liquor produced in China is very popular.
高梁和小麦,大米是中国人的主要粮食, 但高梁在中国主要被用于酿造白酒, 就像欧美国家用葡萄酿造葡萄酒一样,用高粱生产的白酒在中国是很受欢迎的

Today this article, I will not introduce you how to make a delicious liquor, I'd recommend a tourist attraction,
China Northeast Gaomi Township, Thousands of acres of sorghum mature has red.
今天这篇文章我不会去向你介绍怎样制造美味的白酒,而是要介绍中国一个有名的红高梁旅游景区,高密东北乡, 这里有千亩红高粱已经快红了

'Red Sorghum' Movies and TV series adapted from the first winner of the Nobel Prize for literature of Mo Yan's Red Sorghum family,
2014 released in China CCTV, the majority of the Chinese audience favorite,It also includes @MyFirst, This is a very good TV,
I really like Actress “nine children”.
《红高粱》电影和电视剧改编自中国首个诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言的《红高粱家族》,2014年在中国上映,得到了到广大的中国观众喜爱, 这其中也包括@MyFirst

Images from the Internet and Film / 图像来自网络和电视

As early as 1988 Red Sorghum,Won the 38th Berlin International Film Festival Golden Bear.
早在1988红高粱由中国最出名导演张艺谋,姜文、巩俐主演, 1988年该片获得了第38届柏林国际电影节金熊奖,成为首部获得此奖的亚洲电影

Actress played "nine children" and "bandits" in sorghum passion fragment is the most exciting part,"Nine children" is not voluntary, but was robbed of hijacking,
After sorghum passion, she fell in love with the bandits.
女主角演的九儿和土匪余占熬在高梁地的激情片段是最精彩的部分, 九儿不是自愿, 而是被霸王硬上弓的抢走, 在高梁地的激情过后, 爱上了这个土匪。

In China there is a saying, that man is not bad, women do not love,You want to get a woman's love, you must be bad,If you are interested, please enjoy this TV at youtube
在中国古人有句名言,叫男人不坏,女人不爱, 要想得到女人的爱,还是要变坏, 如果有兴趣,请欣赏下这部电视

Yesterday, back home to see mother planted sorghum, in southern China, People grow sorghum is not to produce liquor,Because they planted area few,Harvest of sorghum,
used in the manufacture of local traditional cuisine, Sorghum cake, Sorghum bread is delicious,We love to eat
昨天回到老家,看到母亲从地里收割回来的高梁,在中国的南方,人们种植高梁不是为了酿造白酒,因为他们种植面积很少,收获的高梁用于制造我们当地的传统美食, 高梁粑,用高梁粉制做的馒头和面包非常好吃.

Enjoy :)
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