World End - Horton Plains National Park sri lanka

             Horton Plains National Park

              Horton Plains National Park is a beautiful, sprawling area protected by the government located in the central province of Sri Lanka. The nearest major cities to the park are Ohiya and Newara Eliya, and the estimated land area of the park is a total of 12.2 square miles. 


          While the park’s lush greens and tranquil, serene beauty alone are enough to draw visitors from across the globe to the park, it is also home to a small handful of marvellous tourist attractions, namely World’s End, a devastatingly steep cliff with a drop off of approximately 4000 feet, as well Baker’s Falls, a famous 66 foot tall waterfall that is stunningly beautiful.    


                          Baker's Fall


            Contrary to popular belief, the park was not always named as such. The original name for the area that is today known as Horton Plains National Park was Maha Eliya Thenna, which translates to “great open plain” in the countries’ native tongue.

            The area was renamed to the moniker it holds today in an effort to  honor  Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton.   


         The park’s lush vegetation is split between two unique groups: approximately 7.7 square miles of what is known as wet patana, with the remaining 4.5 square miles consisting of evergreen forests. 

The park was deemed a world heritage site in the year 2010.  

  Author mw-  Thomas Gendron 

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