5 Ways How to: Work and Travel (Pt.2)

Working and traveling, or simply working whenever from wherever you want still seems to be a pretty abstract concept for many people, since the traditional system still rules our world and only now more people are starting to realize how much they should appreciate and take advantage of the age we live in...

As a result of the digital revolution it's possible for anybody with a dream and wifi to manifest their vision, with the right idea, strategy and commitment. If you want to for example travel the world as a digital nomad, it's like you're married the internet. You cannot live without it, but gladly it's everywhere!

Enough talking, I did a first episode already. Here are some suggestions on how to work and travel:

6. Social Media Management / Brand Building

This is just one example of a skill that many businesses today need and you could help at least a hand full of business owners with. You could be helping traditional businesses adapt to the modern world, the internet, social media and new technologies like the blockchain. I am listing this, because it's one of the things I started with. It's not very complex to do this and mainly requires some market research, some aesthetic sense and a lot of common sense. Before you go into online marketing, make sure (also for yourself) to understand the basics of brand building, know what social media channels you will use to communicate what and before offering this as a service to others, make sure to create some brands of your own for testing. The great thing.. it doesn't cost to build a social media based business. Often business can't keep up with the rapid rate at which the online environment is changing. If you are good at catching trends for example, working in this space would be fitting. 

7. Online Marketing 

One of the hottest markets right now, and in today's world an essential skill. Whatever business you're going into, a big hurdle most people struggle with is plain marketing, which includes establishing a brand, consistent clear and specific communication and driving traffic.  Online marketing, if you don't want to use it as a skill to sell, is necessary for you as a digital entrepreneur, and can be learned like vocabulary. Yes it does requires some creativity if you want to take it to the next level, but marketing is mainly plain logic. When you develop this skill, I personally suggest to use it for yourself first, then be your own case study, and then consider selling your skill at an appropriate level, instead of learning the skill to sell it right away, but that's up to you.  One advice I can give, from personal experience... DOING and KNOWING is always better than hearing and assuming. There are a lot of opinions on anything, from Branding to SEO and the only way you'll every truly know what works and what doesn't is by trying it all out. 

8. Coding 

Becoming a good coder requires time, experience and patience. But once you have learned a few languages and got some clients, it is one of the best location independent jobs to work from anywhere world, because not only are wages in the field rising and will be among the few jobs carried out by humans in the future, which gives you the security most people are looking for, but it also enables you to create what you want.

 As stated by Fast Company, half of all programming openings are in industries outside of technology. Among them:

  • Finance
  • Manufacturing
  • Health Care

As a result, coding has become increasingly popular and the demand for the skill is just at the edge of getting started, (especially in the crypto-space). Researchers found that jobs that require coding skills pay up to $22,000 per year more, on average... and nearly half (49%) of all jobs that pay more than $58,000 require some coding skills, but what’s most in demand? The report found that the highest demand was for programming languages with broad applicability, among them: SQL, Java, C++, Python etc.  Obviously, positions in IT require more specialization, yet positions in science that use mathematical computing programs such as Python, don’t need them on a daily basis.

And the best part: You can  learn it online, take courses from teamtreehouse or any other teaching site. 

9. Traveling on a Budget 

There also is a less fancy way, if you're not simply seeking freedom, but travel-lust, that works for any passionate traveler and just as good as any of the previous suggestions, however it involves more sacrifice for some people, a passion for adventures and I believe either requires a whole lot of personal strength. Traveling "the budget way" like @budgetbucketlist (check out how she does it here). Stephanie's philosophy: "I wish I could have a life like that, if I only had the money..." Well if I get a dollar (peso, real, boliviano...) for every time someone told me that, I WOULD have had an endless travel budget. Reality-check: Na-ah. And still, I can travel, easily... endless maybe. Before you ask me how, I have some questions for you: Do you have a house... or apartment (rental, with a mortgage or bought)? Is there furniture in there, or something as fancy as 'decoration'? Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a computer, laptop or both? Do you have a car or any other mode of transport besides your feet and thumb? Do you have a child?  If you answered 'yes' on one of these questions, you DO have money to travel around the world, you just decided to spend it differently.

10. Steeming

Obviously the best comes last. I remember how blown away I was by this concept just a year ago, and I'm excited about witnessing this amazing community grow every day. I love writing and the crypto-space so this combo was just perfect for me, but I know that there are so many people in this world who wouldn't just enjoy Steemit, but it could change their lives. Right now there are so many young people graduating who don't know what to do and eventually will pick up a traditional job because they weren't taught other options. Just recently I met a girl who graduated school and is now doing a year abroad in Bolivia. When I told her about Steemit, you can assume how excited she got. I know I would have loved to blog and share my journey on here in 2012/13 during my exchange year.

I could go on forever, but this list should only serve as inspiration for those who've been asking themselves "how is it possible to travel the globe while working" (and do something you are passionate about).  

But what I want to leave you with is the following:   
No matter what it is you want, know that it is possible for you. Not just possible, but possible for you. If you are a living being, you have the ability to change. If you are a human, you have the natural ability to add skills to your skill-set, that's a unique advantage not many living beings have. We can make a choice, we can change and we can improve. 

Lastly be aware of how you say things, because it's not that we simply speak things into existence by saying them like some magic spell, but because we speak what we believe to be true. What we believe to be true creates our limitations and the space of what's possible. Conscious speaking is something you can practice every day and over time just like with any other skill you develop, you will see your actions change and from your actions your life. 

And keep in mind that nothing great has ever been built over night. Find something you enjoy doing every day, and the results will come automatically.

What's your favorite online biz? 

Much love,

 - Mrs.Steemit 

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