[London 2017] Fish & Chips, 22B Baker Street and Regent's Park

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London, England

Central London

First arriving in London from Los Angeles, I met up with my cousin, Kyun, in about 7 years. And guess what? His departure city was Pusan, South Korea.
What a reunion with a travel mate!
Hmmm sounds a little strange. Right? So, how did we decide to travel together?

Here's a background story...

Until I moved to Los Angeles at age 10, I spent my childhood in South Korea. My mom and Kyun's mom are very close sisters who lived near each other. And we were their only childs. Consequently, Kyun and I hung out a lot and fought a lot growing up. He was like my brother.

After I moved away, it was hard to meet up because of the distant but we kept conversations going every now and then. During the first year of college, I had difficult times with transportation issues and whined that I wanted to get away to Europe. It was my dream travel destination at the time but I felt scared to travel alone. He also went through rough times dealing with stress applying to colleges and said he will come with me because he wanted to visit Europe and I could be his English translator. LOL That conversation was a casual one but it actually happened after 4 years!

This is the lounge bar at YHA London Central, an affordable accommodation in Central London for those who are on tight budget.

Fish & Chips

When in London, your first meal gotta be FISH AND CHIPS! Just take a look at those golden crisps!


The restaurant I went to is called, "Golden Union".
I first found out about the restaurant during my visit in January 2016 and I came back for it. I highly recommend this place because you have various options of Fish & Chips to choose from.

I ordered Cod & Chips which is like the original because Cod is the most commonly used fish for Fish & Chips. Kyun got Pollock & Chips after reading the description "Soft white fish" and he wanted a soft textured fish contrast to "Chunky white fish" description of Cod & Chips. When the food came out, we exchanged a small portion to try out each other's menu and found out that my fish was a lot softer. Hahaha πŸ˜‚
I originally started writing about this incident as a tip to order Cod & Chips if you want soft fish but now that I think about it, it could have been server's mistake to deliver us the wrong dish. Hmm I guess I will have to try it again to know the truth. Just found another reason to visit London πŸ˜˜πŸ’•

Here's information of the restaurant for those who want a taste of deliciousness:
Golden Union
38 Poland Street, London W1F 7LY, United Kingdom

Early morning the following day, I went to 22B Baker Street to consult an urgent case with Mr.Holmes.


Sherlock Holmes Museum

The front door is actually a locked door functioning as a photo station. To enter the Sherlock Holmes Museum, you have to go into the gift shop next door and purchase a Β£15 admission fee. The entrance is also in the gift shop.

The museum is very cozy and tight so be aware of people coming in the opposite direction from you.

The details in the interior were impressive. I really loved how they displayed real candle and flowers to accentuate the atmosphere of residential feel.



Does anyone know what VR stands for? Shout out to Sherlockians 😬 I kept thinking "Virtual Reality" but that can't be it.

Kyun's decoding cryptography on the admission ticket/museum guide!
or posing with props... (cough)

After leaving traces of clues in the visitor's book, we headed to Regent's Park.

Regent's Park

The park is only few walks away from the Sherlock Holmes Museum. Plan visiting two places on the same day to make a convenient route.

Does the picture suggest gloomy and cold weather?
Spoiled by SoCal's sunny weather, chilly feels cold to me and I was FREEZING.




Looks like a type of garden you might encounter the Queen of Hearts 🌹



If you are a birth lover, Regent's Park is a must-go place!

At a first glance, I was stunned by this fountain.
Despite the cold weather, I sat down, took out my sketchbook and started watercolor.



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