Waterfall, the place to get power.

Hello, my dear readers! In recent times I don't see many articles about travels. In my opinion, this is a very interesting topic and I myself am very interested in visiting new places and telling you about them. After all, we live in such a big world and we need to measure our lives not with square meters of our apartments, but with the kilometers we walked around the world. I hope that many of you will agree with me in this statement.

Here you can read my articles about two of my most favorite places on the planet. Although I was born in the North of Russia in Arkhangelsk on the White Sea Coast – I have always been attracted to different places on this planet. Two of my favorite places –

1. Bali Island, Indonesia. I told you pretty much about this amazing place. I'll be glad, if you also get into the spirit of my articles and one day visit this place beloved by gods and demons.

2) Koh Phangan Island. Thailand. Long story short – the heaven on Earth. Many people will love this place, you can read about it here.

Today, I want to tell you about what these paradise islands have in common. The countries are different, the cultures are different – they are completely different, basically. But in all the places I have been – I always tried to reach the water. In my opinion, the main form of the water is a waterfall.

Have you ever been at a waterfall? First, it's just unreal fascinating eyeful and I always with a sinking heart look at how the tones of water go down in a blazing fall. But you can just look at such a miracle! You should definitely swim in it, because waterfall washes off all the negativity from you, all the problems that surround you and rest assured that everything bad that surrounds you will be all gone immediately.

 You will feel unreal surge of energy, of course, if you can swim under the huge water column. When I have a run of bad luck and I don't see how I can get rid of it, I go either to the mountains or swim in a waterfall. Believe me, it is the best way to get power and make away with all the negative thoughts you have. You come out a completely different person, fresh man ready to do anything! Just try! Thank you for your attention!

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