Exploring Inner Mongolia. My Experience

How did I become accepted into the close-knit culture of Inner Mongolia?

Before we start, for those who don’t know I just want to shed some light on the origin and location of Inner Mongolia. It is a piece of land located along the Mongolian and Chinese border. The land used to belong to Mongolia, but is now one of the autonomous regions of China.


One of my favorite pictures. Rancho

I just so happen to work in the agricultural industry. If to be more specific - I sell tomato paste abroad from Inner Mongolian factories. The main reason I have to travel there at least once or twice a year is not just to visit factories but also to keep the good relations with factory managers. In Chinese traditional culture, it is something that can't be established over the phone. Meeting your business partners face to face shows your serious intentions and respect. But honestly, it is more of a fun trip rather than a business trip. Let me explain to you why is that:)


This is where tomatoes are wating to be "executed":)

Although the distance from Tianjin to Inner Mongolia is around 750 km, we still prefer traveling by car. It is the only way you can get from one factory to another, as all of them are located in a rural area. For me, traveling long distances by car is already sounds like a lot of fun. We can always stop anywhere we want or just enjoy the gorgeous view of the mountains from the window. But on top of that, I’m always accompanied by my Chinese colleagues, who are very positive and great people. Taking a free Chinese class in the car is a usual thing for me 🙂 I remember our last trip when one of my colleagues tried to teach me different Chinese dialects and idioms. I can't find the right words to describe how hilarious it was. So it is impossible to get bored while we are on the way.



Somewhere on the way

After about 12 hours of a trip, we finally arrive at Hohhot - a capital of Inner Mongolia. Normally, we stay there overnight and the next morning we travel to the first factory.

Formally, we do kind of a quality-inspection of factory’s production. But realistically, as I motioned before it is all about relations. Our boss tries his best to make them as strong as possible. Meanwhile, for the factory managers, it is a good excuse to have a party. It is not often someone visits them in such a remote location.


This how the factory looks



Each day, after visiting a factory or two in the morning, and spending the afternoon exploring, we return to traditional food and drinks. It could look like a lot of fun at the beginning but after a few days of such a schedule, it feels like a hard work. The problem is that every day we have dinners in different locations with different managers who don’t care that last night you had another party so drinking with them is not an option. That what makes Chinese business culture to stand out. Being not comfortable drinking with your protentional partner could easily be interpreted as lack of trust or insincerity. But thinking that this is not just unreasonable partying, but a part of your job, makes you feel less guilty and lets you enjoy the moment.




On the way back home, I always feel physically exhausted but mentally refreshed and ready to be back to Chinese urban life.

Inner Mongolia is a great destination to put on your "to visit" list, with impeccable nature and kind-hearted people. Traveling around, you still can find many well-preserved villages with yurts and ranchos where you can stay overnight and enjoy local food for a very low budget.If you ever have a chance traveling there, by all means, don’t miss it!

If I had to describe Inner Mongolia from my perspective just by a few words I would say - great food, friendly people, gorgeous nature, and clean environment.



It wasn’t easy to choose these pictures from all other that I have from my last four trips.
There are a few more pitures that I thoought would be interesting.

It would be interesting to know your thoughts on this kind of business relations. Feel free to leave a comment below.

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