My Ideal Around the World


Life is only temporary, at most 100 years and above. With a short age humans are given the same time that is 24 hours per day. From that short time people have different results. Some do not produce anything, because more sleep, watching and playing games. There are income is not sufficient, let alone for the cost of education for children to eat just hard. There is also a relaxed, but prosperous. People like this usually have passive income, such as a business kos-kosan, investors and have an abundant savings that interest only excessive for everyday purposes.
Such people who, according to Robert Kyosaki are in the right quadrant, have succeeded in building a money pipeline. Just like the water that flowed from the top of the mountain to the settlement of citizens through the pipe. Society no longer need to bother to take water to the top of the mountain with a bucket, because while sleep is still running water.
Among so many tasks carried by humans there is actually one challenging thing that rarely comes to mind by people around the world. Seeing the other side of the world has actually been advocated by religion, that is God created tribal people to know each other. To get to know each other, there must be a tradition of visiting each other.
Not only that, there are other things that encourage us to adventure. Consider the natural conditions, rarely the same, even no similarity at all. As in Indonesia there is a vast Toba lake, in Egypt there is the longest Nile river in the world and in Australia there is Kangaroo, a pocketable animal where the child is kept when there is a threat. Nothing is the same.
God created each region or country has a different natural conditions of course there is a purpose and purpose. I think the goal is that humans become adventurers and know other areas.
Learn from history, that our ancestors were tough adventurers. Even since ancient times men have been adventurous, looking for food such as fish, deer, deer and others in the forest. There is also a song titled Grandma "Moyangku A Seaman" which shows the greatness of the Indonesian nation used to conquer the ferocious seas. So we are the descendants of the adventurers.
Unfortunately due to technological advances, making humans more at home watching 5 cm film at home than on climbing the peak Semeru. The development of information technology to make people especially young people are not interested anymore to see exotic attractions in various parts of the earth, because the photos and videos can be viewed through the gedget.
Actually the expensive is not a gadget but an experience. The more experience a person will be more wise in dealing with various problems, because already know what to do and should not be done along with the consequences.
Activities that can add experience that is adventure. Trip to various countries, we will see beautiful scenery never seen before. Natural scenery such as beaches, mountains, lakes, grand cayons, forests and others. Then artificial sightings such as Brobudur Temple, Taj Mahal, Great Wall and Monalisa paintings.
Everyone can actually travel around the world, it just takes a lot of money. The cost of taking care of passport only hundreds of thousands, especially when visiting Sidney, Paris, New York, Beiijing and others. But do not be discouraged, there are many ways that can be done in order to travel around the world, including looking for sponsors. Some outdoor equipment companies, tobacco companies and supplement drinks are usually interested in funding adventures around the world. Staying again how to package interesting proposals to get them interested.
Adventurers who lack the funds there are also daring around the world, namely by foot. It will be very draining and takes a long time, until many years ago to go home. But using this method can save the budget.

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