London - Blockchain Live Decompression: A Few Tranquil Days in Reykjavic, Iceland - And a Brief Rant!

Hello my long lost friends, it's me... Lovejoy!

I've been away, I was swept into the EOSIO rabbit hole, but I haven't forgotten about my Steem Rootz so just chill out.

Actually, while I'm on the topic, you know... I just want to say

Steem is great! Long live Steem...!

but my roots run way deeper than Steem

which is but one branch of the infinitely forking tree of our decentralized future...

...and you should know that by now.

I am completely anti-faction
a non maximalist
I'm for UNITY
and against POLARIZATION!

So you won't find me hating on one group or another... well except I like to chop maximalists down to size every once in a while, but really unless you're some crypto-fundamentalist lost in the sunk cost delusions of whatever project that has you possessed by maximalist mumbo-jumbo, you're cool with me. Enough said.

So... London! EOS Hackathon, The Unconference, and Blockchain Live!

I'm just returning from an epic week in London where I had the great pleasure of representing EOS Detroit (@eos.detroit) alongside two others from our fearless crew: CEO Rob Konsdorf (@robrigo), and Director of Business Operations Adam Zientarski (@loyalnine) Together, we encountered some of the most brilliant minds in the blockchain space.

Our itinerary was guided by three main events and was punctuated with all manner of intriguing interludes.

Dan Larimer and Brendan Blumer mingling with EOS Hackathon participants

All in all, we were sleeping 3-5 hours per night, if that, and discussing a whole variety of topics related to EOSIO, chief among them: issues involving governance, security, bonds, block producer best practices, DApp development, and so much more.

The hackathon was dope, they even had a nap room!

And it was in the Science Museum of london, in an exhibit with flying contraptions galore!

I made a video trying to win the prize for best social media post, check it out here!

And then an unlikely character emerged...

So, I had the opportunity to meet the inimitable Blythe Masters who was in conversation at the Blockchain Live 'Leaders Summit'. I really wanted to see a conversation between Bytemaster and Blythe Masters, but alas... it was not to be.

We met so many luminaries in the blockchain space, including EOS block producer teams from all over the world!

The EOS Unconference brought together an amazing assembly of leaders in the community for some groundbreaking discussion!

One of several edifying Unconference presentations

And of course...

I got to kick it with my homie Dan Larimer, @dan (Bytemaster)

And a lot more that I can't possibly speak to here at the moment... I'm in Iceland now after all and it's my last day to relax!

I escaped London, barely... completely sleep deprived, my brain addled with a whole realm of new ideas, connections, and projects to pursue.

Iceland now provides some respite, it's a good place for me to chill and digest everything.

So, on that note, I'm off for one last soak at the local geothermal pool before I head back home to Minnesota.

And I'm going to eat a yummy Icelandic free-range sheep hot-dog! Mmmmmm, sorry not sorry veggies!

And then I will wander the streets in search of the latest Reykjavic street art!

And when I return home, I suspect I will think...

Ciao for now!


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