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"Gustav Flaubert once said : “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

Travelling makes you experience a new kind of change, your life sifts a little and reshapes the structure of your soul.
You begin to see things in a new light, your judgment becomes more broad and you see things from a wider perspective because travelling brings about change and change is a force of nature, it's all about becoming something new, leaving old things behind or modifying it, it is unstoppable and overwhelming. And if channeled in the right direction can be a force for good.

I think we all should travel, it doesn't have to be constantly or to super exotic places. It could start from simply travelling to another state in your country or travelling to a near by country . I feel it's important because we get to see that there are bigger things in this world than just us and our problems.

Only when you start traveling do you realize what that “it is better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times.

Why i want to travel!

I feel the LORD didn't make all this vast land and universe just for us to sit in one corner all the days of our lives I also believe in humanity and volunteerism.

What is humanity?



Don't go looking for a dictionary for this one. Humanity is when a classmate has slipped and fallen and stained his cloth and instead of laughing at him and making him the subject of the day, you kindly walk up to him, help him up and help clean him up. [Where are the good Samaritans of today].

Humanity is when you have billions and instead of lavishing it on the latest gadgets you give it to your house help who is struggling to pay her school fees and doesn't have good clothes to wear. To me humanity is caring enough for your country to pray for it, it is to say no to littering the streets, knowing and caring for your neighbor.
It means no more closed eyes and folding arms when a wrong is being done around you.
It's being kind to your brother and sister and not bullying /mocking those beneath you.

What is volunteerism?



From my point of view volunteerism is the policy or practice of willingly giving out one's time or talents for charitable, educational, or other worthwhile activities.

These days there is more of self and less of others . All people want to do is to make it in life, buy a good car and live in a good house, no one cares about what is happening in other countries, whether they are feeding well or not. whether they are been terrorized by extremists or whether they have basic amenities or not. Just because we are not being forced to care doesn't mean we shouldn't.


  1. It is good : It has never killed to lend a little hand to someone in need. Helping others is the best thing one can ever do in one's life time in my own perspective.
  2. You will always have a sense of accomplishment, decent pride and give your life an identity.
  3. Giving to others and helping improve their lives can also help improve your mental and physical health as you will be active knowing you have a purpose.
  4. THE HAPPINESS EFFECT; When researchers at the London School of Economics examined the relationship between volunteering and measures of happiness in a large group of American adults,they found the more people participated, the happier they were.
  5. Finally volunteerism connects you to others. When you make a difference in the life of people, a light is lit in their hearts, they remember the way you talk, the way you smiled, how you wrote and mostly how you made them feel. They can never forget you and are within them forever grateful to have met you. What a feeling.

So back to my point. I want to travel and explore the wo because :


  • I am a fan of change and i believe that we should learn to accept it and bend it to our will not fight against it.

  • Traveling develops skills you didn’t know you had:
    Sometimes it’s only when you are far from home that you realize you’ve got skills you’ve never used. Going to new places sometimes helps brings them to the surface.

  • By travelling i can learn new languages easily:
    There’s something satisfying about being able to throw around a few words of Greek, knowing how to say thanks in Thai, speaking some French in the presence of your soulmate to book a room in France, and this is not just for fun, learning new languages has saved lives of some people during the early stages of a kidnapping.

  • Travelling is adventurous :
    Exploring the wild jungles of Peru, navigating the maze-like streets of Venice, bartering for the best price in the traditional markets of Turkey, cruising in a speedboat in New Zealand, or hopping into a land Rover to go see the animals grazing in Tanzania: these are adventures worth having. People are hardwired for the excitement only adventure can bring and traveling is the best way to tap into it.



  • If one is willing and open, travel will make you an incredibly more well-rounded human being. And that’s really the goal, isn’t it?

  • Connecting:
    I like exploring new things, going to new places, meet new people, learn new things, eat new food, dance strange dances, learn both cool and weird cultures. I don't want to be trapped in my little corner of the world. There are so many of us, so why can't we try and know other people apart from those we have been seeing all our lives.

  • Compassion:
    I believe in some part of the world somewhere there is a child who needs my help.. Who has no access to clean water and hasn't eaten a morsel of food all day. Who wants to run and play and laugh and just be a child but can't because he is in a war zone or is just to weak and malnourished to do so.

I want to make a difference i want to see a change, in my country and in others. I don't want to see starving children on the TV screen clutching and clinging for life, i don't want to see old women who should be reaping the fruit of their labor, begging on the streets for bread.

My Conclusion

I want to explore the world to make a positive change wherever i go, to whoever i meet and bring back new norms with me, to the people of my society and change their mind set to a higher purpose of HUMANITY AND VOLUNTEERISM.

I would like to appreciate @surfyogi the God father of artists and African writers alike. A good man and friend. An explorer, researcher and founder of two remarkable projects ; @artzone and @wafrica which has been an immense help and source of encouragement to both minnows and whales alike of which i am witness to.
His passion for travelling and exploring new things motivates and inspires me and so i dedicate this post to him.

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