HOW I HACKED my body at -15C - The story of a 5 day experience

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HOW I hacked my body at -15C - The story of a 5 day experience

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Today I want to share with you a summary of what my Wim Hof Experience was at Poland last January 2017. If you don't know anything about Wim Hof aka Iceman, take some time to watch his documentary on Youtube; when I saw what this guy does, I said to myself... I have to learn how to do this - that's what took me down this alley. 

With you my learnings over 5 days of absolute brilliant and fascinating experience.

👊🏻 Day 1: Wim Hof Experience 🇨🇿 🇵🇱

✅ we walked for 1 hour barefoot in snow at -5C ()

✅ we swam in the snow (watch this video )

✅ We learned WHM breathing technique to create oxygenation and improve holding breath.💆🏼‍♂️

✅ we learned brown fat activation technique to reheat your body after cold exposure (

✅ we learned how to play team and watch each other out

💯 we took a plunge in the freezing waterfall and could stay there for about 30 secs❄️🏊🏻

But most important what I learned is how pain can be temporary and how you can push through physical pain, discomfort and keep going. It is all a mind game, know and feel your body... learn what it's telling you and realize whether it is real or just a story. Your body will adapt quicker than you think to survive... the key is FOCUS

Learn more at

🇵🇱Day 2: Wim Hof Experience👊🏻

Exciting day with tons of learning.

✅we played tag in the

✅We took a hike wearing only shorts.

✅We trained by putting our hands in the cold river for about 3 mins

✅ 2 sessions of whm breathing

🔥 we had team plunge and swim in the cold waterfall. We all go in together we all go out together.💪🏻👊🏻🏊🏻

💯 lessons learned: we work in team, we don't leave team members behind. We are all together in this.

🇵🇱 Day 3: Wim Hof Experience

Two days ago this was new and weird, now this is the "usual"... early morning "shower in the waterfall" ... hikes up the mountain, laying in the snow...and how to forget our very intense breathing sessions!!!


💯 Lessons learned today: I really didn't want to go to the waterfall in the morning but guess what... tons of times in life you have to do things you don't want to....suck it up champ.

The important thing to remember is what are your thoughts. You choose your reaction to events: are you making it worse than it really is? 

As I was walking uphill I embraced the beautiful day it was, with the sun shining bright and warmer than other days... ☀️❤️

I focused on my breathing and as I looked at the cold water i said f*ck it and got in... no it wasn't easy but it was not painful, just uncomfortable. As we were jumping in we were asked to leave behind something...I left a couple of limiting beliefs outside the water and they will stay here in Poland.💪🏻

As I walked out of the waterfall I felt like a f*cking gladiator all invigorated and with a rush of adrenaline through my whole body!


It's becoming a routine now! The body adapts amazingly quickly to your environment 🙏🏻

Snow Tanning:

🇵🇱 Day 4: Wim Hof Experience

I have a new friend... the waterfall😜🔥❄️🙌🏻

💯 lessons learned:

What you can do once you can do twice. It's all in the thoughts in the head. Today we tested our limits: some of us took 2 dives back to back into the waterfall, others took 3 dives.

I personally wasn't feeling nice about the idea of diving twice and Daniel Kluken knew it so he challenged (encouraged) me in a very positive way. He asked me to record footage of the swim by taking the GoPro all the way to the end of the waterfall... 👊🏻 mission accomplished and footage (not sure the quality) will be up soon for you to enjoy!

After our successful party in the water we proceeded to enjoy our fire which Christian was so nice to put together 🔥😜

👉🏻 Tomorrow the final test. We will climb Mt. Snezka! 🗻🏃


💥💥Day 5 and FINAL DAY💥💥


I can say with great excitement and pride that today I have achieved the greatest and wildest accomplishment of my life (so far).👊🏻

Today Jan 25, 2017 I conquered the top of Mt. Snezka wearing only a pair of shoes, shorts and gloves. This is something most people would say is crazy or even dangerous. For us, Wim Hof students we understand it's not. 


The outside temperature was -8C plus a factor of wind taking it down to -15C.

The overall ascent lasted about 2.5 hours taking one step at a time and not losing focus on the breath which is fundamental in The WHM.

When I say I accomplished this, in reality means WE accomplished. All of this would not have been possible on my own or without the valuable and incredible support from our trainers Daniel Kluken and Christian Peter and the fantastic team of friends I've made.

We all stuck together, worked together and helped each other mentally and sometimes even physically to keep up with the pace.

💯 lessons learned:

I had a ton of breakthroughs in these past 5 days about my performance, about my attitude towards myself, my relationships, my business and life and mostly about fear.

I realized I am capable of achieving so much more but I kept telling stories in my head of why when something becomes uncomfortable or hard I stop pushing.

My biggest lesson is: to learn and read your body so you can tell the difference between pain and discomfort.

I have left many situations in life hanging because they were uncomfortable thinking they were painful.

Think for a second... yes this is for you reading this. Are you really giving your 200% or are you giving only 10%, 20% or 50% of what you're capable??!!

How many things in YOUR life have you quit on because you didn't feel like it? How many jobs, businesses, partners or yourself you quit on...

Part of life and now I see the beauty, is acknowledging the discomfort and dealing with it... it will never go away but that doesn't stop you from being happy, grateful or being strong. Life is a constant evolving process of events: some amazing some not so amazing. We get what we make of it.

I've learned my body is a f*cking bad ass machine that's capable of making sh*t happen. It's designed to adapt to survive in rough environments and f*ck yeah it's good!


Two more confessions: 

1. Cold is my new friend ❄️

2. I miss the Puerto Rican heat ☀️!!!


Celebration time !!! 







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