YuZhangMen brings you another scenery(渔掌门带给你另外一种风情)

Dear steemians:
Today I would share with you YuZhangMen which located at the foot of QianShan mountain.It is located in Anshan Iron East District on the furnace Street .At the AnShan station ,you may take the 8th bus ,and get off at the HanJiaYu crossing ,then go down to the south,It is not far away .

From the big wall, we can feel an antique atmosphere.从大墙外,我们便可以感受到一种古香古色的气息。

It is said that it is not so much a hotel ,as it is a manor.the park is large ,when you are in it ,you will find a Jiangnan atmosphere,in the northeast ,you will feel the taste of Jiangnan.

During the day when you walk in it , you are hard to find that is in the northeast.当您白天信步其中,您很难觉察这就是在东北。

That pavilions, that pool of clear water, is really very beautiful!那亭台楼阁,那一池碧水,真的是漂亮极了!

That a string of corn hanging in the courtyard, the taste of the farmhouse to show up.那一串串的玉米挂在庭院当中,农家院的气息尽情的显示出来.

During the day ,we can see the beautiful scenery ,and to the evening ,when the light is on ,we can see another scenery ,it is very spectacular.Now Let,s take a look at it!白天风景优美,到了晚上,华灯初上,更有一番韵味。让我们欣赏下。

Golden light with red lanterns hanging high, exceptionally dazzling.金黄色的灯光配上大红的灯笼高高挂着,分外耀眼.

Every pavilion is decorated with lights, the night is particularly beautiful, I can not help but admire the boss's courage and creativity, so that visitors not only taste the delicious fish, but also to enjoy the different style here.每个亭台楼阁都被灯饰装点,夜景尤其漂亮,我不禁佩服老板的魄力和创意,让游人不单单是品尝鱼的美味,更是来领略这里别样的风情。

YuZhangMen as the name suggests is mainly to make fish-based,about sauce stewed big head ,wok stewed catfish etc.......When we finished taste it , the scene, let us understand the meaning of the Yuzhangmen more profound.
Thank you for your appreciation!good night !

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