How I got to TRAVEL, for FREE, to HAWAI’I, to MAKE ART!

My dream has always been to travel around the world making theatre and art.

Soaking up some sun in Hawai’i

Of course, unless you’re really lucky, this doesn’t just happen. It takes work experience, grit, a sense of humor, and dedication to the art that goes beyond making a buck off what you create.

I’ve studied, worked 16-hour days, and poured my heart into my artist community. I’ve made art, but I’ve also learned about business and how to sustain an artistic practice in the long-term. A big part of my journey towards being a self-sustained artist and creative consultant has been working full-time running Development at Intiman Theatre, a Tony Award-winning and socially progressive regional theatre in Seattle, WA for the last 3 years.

I’ve learned the ins and outs of running an organization and engaging diverse communities. I’ve met inspiring mentors. Now, I’m finally branching out on my own as a freelancer in perpetuity. It’s a little scary, I won’t lie!


My dream team. <3

I finally decided to take the plunge and go freelance last March when I realized a lifelong dream and got to TRAVEL, for FREE, to HAWAII, to MAKE ART.

This past Spring (March through April 2016), Hilo-born, Seattle-based scenic designer artistic producer Brandon Estrella and his artist collective The New Alchemists (including co-founders Ahmed Alabaca and Lily Raabe), approached the East Hawai`i Cultural Center (EHCC) about the possibility of the Center producing a showcase of devised original plays based on stories told by local community groups as part of downtown Hilo’s Aloha First Fridays events. We had received a $5,000 commission from the County of Hawai’i to support our work.


Hanging with the Full Life crew! Full Life supports creative professional development for young adults with cognitive or physical disabilities.

The conversation progressed, partners were engaged, and work began on the project. In March 2017, Brandon, Ahmed, and I flew to Hilo, HI where we partnered with EHCC, Waiakea High School, and Full Life Hawaii/Abled Hawaii Artists to create two original plays performed for Aloha First Fridays. This community-based project gathered people in Hilo around EHCC as a downtown cultural and business hub and spotlighted local artists, vendors, and businesses.


Half of the Waiakea High School ensemble!

EHCC organized an art show opening to be produced in the downstairs gallery, artists to sell their wares throughout the building, food from local vendors, and music. The performance sold out--in fact we started twenty minutes late because we added every chair legally allowed to fill the room. There is a clear energy and desire for live, community-derived events in Hilo. We also did a fundraising “ask” after our performance, which was free-to-the-public. Support for our work was incredible, and we easily paid for venue rental and EHCC staff time through community buy-in!


Waiakea actors waving out a window upstair at EHCC the day of the show!

It goes without saying that one of the best parts of this project was living and working in Hawai’i! I had never been, and I must admit I had a warped view of the islands based on what is marketed to tourists on the mainland. Living and working in close community with locals and natives for several weeks gave us an incredibly close view into the politics of the islands, the culture, and the magical energy that fills every speck of sand in Hawai’i. There is a spiritual pull to this land that is undeniable, a force that locals acknowledge and respect, and an energy that a visitor like me could not help but feel.


One of the beautiful waterfalls we drove to after workshop to hold our “end of day debrief meeting”. Doing work in nature is one of the amazing perks of setting your own work/life environment.

The work created was authentic to the Hilo community and created a special opportunity for locals, tourists, and community partners to experience something happening here and nowhere else. For example, the show created with Full Life Hawai`i--an organization providing arts-based professional development skills to young adults with cognitive disabilities--centered on FUZZYLAND; a book published by a Full Life participant, Jennifer Poblano. Jennifer was able to see her story come to life, and we were able to empower this community to see themselves as actors, artists, and business-folks, since many Full Life participants sold their art at the event.


Brandon rehearsing with our star, Maja, a participant at Full Life Hawai’i and up-and-coming actress!

Have I mentioned, the food in Hilo is amazing? Best lunch? Fresh poke of course! We ate raw fish every single day we were on the island and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Poke for days!

Meanwhile, the show created by 18 students from Waiakea High School focused on the true meaning of “Living Aloha”. These incredible young artists devised a powerful original performance that directly talked about perseverance in the face of trauma and posited that finding a way to love all people is the true meaning of “Living Aloha”.


Our “billboard” sign out front!

After successfully completing the first year of this work through the generous support of Council Member Aaron Chung, Pagoda Hilo Bay Hotel, and Subway Hawai`i--EHCC and The New Alchemist team are keen to continue working together. This is work we are continuing, and I will update here when more concrete plans come together for 2018-2019 work!


Group shot after the show. Mahalo to everyone for this amazing experience!

Hi, friend. I’m pretty new here and will be using steemit to talk about my theatre projects, art equity, arts opportunities, and social justice. I’ll also decompress and share hiking pictures pretty regularly. :) For more of my work, check out LOS TRES PONCHOS. See you around! @lilyraabe

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