Tourism In Ghana

In 2010, according to the World Economic Forum statistics, Ghana was 108th out of 139 countries as the worlds favorite tourism destinations. Published in 2011, Forbes Magazine ranked the country as the 11th friendliest country in the world. This assertion was based on the fact that the country is ranked as one of the most peaceful and stable countries in the world.
Today I would love to share with my fellow steemians the staggering and mysterious crocodile pond in Ghana.
Located in the upper east region of Ghana, outside Bolgatanga, the regional capital is the a sacrosanct pond inhabited by West African crocodiles, popularly known as Paga crocodile pond.

Well, legend has it that a dying man was brought to the pond by a crocodile to drink, who after surviving declared the pond sacred and no harm should ever come to the crocodiles who inhabited the pond.
Others also believe that a lion trapped a man against the water's edge, therefore struck a bargain with a crocodile that none of his children would harm his kind if it would kill the lion.
It is believed the souls of the locals reside in the crocodiles which makes it great in offense to kill or eat these crocodiles in Paga.

The crocodiles baffle the minds of tourist as to how tame these wild crocodiles are. Children especially in this locality can be seen swimming alongside the crocodiles without being harmed.
Tourist on the other hand can sit on their backs, touch their their tails and even to some extent put their hands in its mouth. Before the crocodiles are brought to shore, tourist are asked to make a sacrifice which involves buying a chicken to feed the crocodiles.
a local swimming with a crocodile
I think this place will be an awesome site to have a little fun and also to release stress. I mean touching and sitting on a wild crocodile without been harmed kinda blows me off. To my fellow Ghanaians lets make it a point to visit this wonderful and amazing animals, it cannot be seen anywhere else. To the foreigners, anytime you find your way into Ghana don't forget to pay these sacrosanct pond with these wonderful crocodiles a visit. Have a feel of this amazing and phenomenal experience.
Much appreciation.

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