Traveling Indonesia

Some say, traveling is money scattering. Some say, traveling is just an exhibition show. Some say, traveling is just a time. Indeed the intentions of each person is different, how each person responds to what it is like. Some are just traveling to escape from the routine, some just want to relax the mind, there are traveling to seek inspiration, even some who do traveling just to follow the trend (there). Honestly, at first I plunged into this traveling hobby started from the trend of "traveling" which at that time was booming in young children. After many hobbies from Skateboarding, Fingerboarding, Touring (formerly sempet so bikers), at that time Lylis and I was curious and tried to start the trip out of town, to the places of tourist hits, and of course uploading photos miss. But over time, 3 years of this hobby I have tekuni and I live, was the meaning of "traveling" itself is wider than I imagined before. Not just activities to reach a place, not just exciting activities, and not just a "walk". image image image image

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