When I went to Jamaica and fell in love ...

... with the island, that is. Never-ever have I been to a place that's different in so many ways from what I'm used to, and at the same time felt at home from day one. The people, atmosphere, food, colors, parties, beaches - everything was totally down my alley. I had heard a lot about crime and that we had to be super careful and don't trust anyone, but not once did I feel unsafe, and people was always helpful and kind.

@susanne, @laivi, two other girls and me went to Negril in March 2016, and I still think about the good times we had. I was actually heartbroken when I got home. I didn't want to leave, and going back to work was not cool. I simply just love enjoying life; hanging out on a beach, drinking beer all day (not everyday, though) and not having to rush to anything. Just like this:

Here's me on the first day, enjoying life. And beer.

My Facebook status from the day I went home was that I was totally amazed by the Jamaicans. Being born and raised in Norway, I'm totally aware of how lucky I am, and that challenges I've had in my life, can't compare to what people around the world are facing. But what struck me with the Jamaicans was that they seemed like they were all in a happy place (weed can have some impact here, but still ...) which again shows that it doesn't really matter how much money you have, or how big your house is or how fancy car you're driving. The more we have the more we want, and that's not equal with happiness.

Next I want to go to Costa Rica or Cuba. Any tips?

Here's a few pictures from our trip.


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