Thank you Dr. sooryana

493a9442-3f8a-4241-bf88-4ca988b0e271.jpgDr sooryana
Thank you for being our guardian Angel on that stormy night.
Thank you for showing us the light on that lonely dark night .
Thank you for holding our hand when we were lost on the road to nowhere.
Thank you for making us believe that the world is a beautiful place with people like you in it.

thank you. thank you so very much

How can we forget that night.....


It was our first day in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. Yes, we were excited .Me ,My wife Deepti & my 12 year old son,Vibhor. We settled in our hotel and after an interesting lunch & we got out to take a feel of the city.We decided to walk , the best way to explore the city


Just then we came across a city tour bus.
It was an open air double Decker. We were excited to see the bus. By God's grace we all three usually get excited at same things in life.Which makes our travel much more convenient & delightful.We decided to take that bus. After some searching we got to know that the bus takes off from the Malaysian tourist office few blocks away. Again I would like to recommend that you do visit the local tourist office of a city /country whenever you are travelling on your own.We needed the much needed guidance & brochures etc from the office & boarded the bus.

The best part was ,It Was An Hop in Hop Out bus ,valid for 24 hours and .. so we decided that we will just take a full tour of the city on the bus itself And the next day we would get off & explore the points which we find interesting.So we boarded the bus with our full proof plan. we were later to realize that we are nobody but just puppets in the hands of supreme power the God almighty who has everything planned for us .



As we were touring around the city, we were very much satisfied with our decision. The city appeared more beautiful from the open upper deck of the bus.The k.l tower, The Petronas twin tower, The presidential palace, the Bukit Bintang market and the K.L. Bird park

It was at the K.l bird park That we decided to change our decision .The temptation was too hard to resist .That place was magical .There were peacocks all around.Distant call of birds inviting us to their world. A small cute restaurant,spreading its aroma of delicacies. Hawkers selling bird feed. Full of colorful excited Tourists. The place was so beautiful, its beauty enchanted us . we decided that we would get down there itself .It was 6 in evening & the park closed at 7 p.m. we could explore the bird park catch the last bus again at 7.30 p.m.

Our full proof plan failed miserably as we got wrong information from some unreliable source about the timing of the last bus.(that is why I stress on getting info from a reliable source/tourist office) .
Well, its unfair to pass on all the blame on some unknown persons. we our self had a big role to play in this goof up as we under estimated the time it would take to explore the beautiful park.

The official tag line is
A wonder world of birds and a tropical paradise not to be missed by all.
Located in the serene and scenic famous Lake Gardens, the KL Bird park is also well known as "World's Largest Free-flight Walk-in Aviary", offers a 20.9 acres of verdant valley terrain to be explored.




The bird Park was huge. We had never seen anything like this.The beautiful Birds In their natural surroundings .The peacocks, The Flamingos ,The pelicans, The emu, The ostrich, The Macaws, and many more. They were all there.It was a fantasy world. It seemed like a book of colorful images had come alive.We were spell bound by the beauty of the nature.In our enthusiasm to cover each & every part of the park we lost count of time.(Here I would like to recommend that please keep at least 1/2 day for this park if you really want to enjoy the beauty.)
There was this Moroccan Macaw , which we fell in love with . It was a beautiful creature , busy in eating a fruit through its hands. The content look on its face made him look like a saint.I wander if there is spiritualism in birds but if there is , this was the perfect example.Unfortunately the camera battery had exhausted and I could not click any pictures. But the image is still fresh in my memories & i feel that is the better way to relish its memories



Infact we kept roaming around way beyond the closure time of the park , waiting for the guards to find us out .We had an adventurous feeling. remembered the hide & seek games we used to play



We were shaken out of our dream world of the birds by the sounds of whistling. These were no bird but the guards of the park signalling us to leave the park . Once we were out , We were shocked to see the turnaround. The very place which mesmerized us & pulled us over with its magnetic charm was now quite the opposite Not a soul over there. No tourist. No hawkers. No shopkeepers.Just deep silence . We were completely Alone in this place.
Still we were hoping To get on the last bus which according our knowledge was 8.p.m.We waited patiently but soon we realized that this was a deserted place now. No bus was coming . Not even a taxi. Not even a soul to guide us.And the icing on the cake was we had no clue where we had to go. We had not collected the card of the hotel which we usually do on such trips. we had no phones with us. We had absolutely no clue where the hotel was situated .God we were Struck in a no mans land in a foreign country with no transport no communication. We were scared to death.To top it all it started raining.we usually enjoy the rains but at this hour I nothing but cursed it. With clock ticking away We waited for rain to subside so that we can at least walk in some direction , though we had no sense of direction.


This was the time when even non believers become biggest believers in God .This is the time when you make 1000 promises to God if he takes you out of this mess. This is also the time when a person imagines all the bad things that could happen to him.What if we were stranded in middle of nowhere ,for the night. What if there are wild animals around,looking for a prey after all it was a jungle area.what if there were criminals Lurching in the dark searching for easy targets All those scenes we enjoyed watching in a Hollywood movie were being actually coming to life.My God it was scary .My faith in God the almighty multiplied many folds.

I don't know whose prayer were answered & what promises God had accepted in return of the answer of our prayers, But there she was.In that dark,rainy night on that deserted no man's land we saw a figure moving towards us. She was a young beautiful woman in her jogging attire running away merrily on that lonely road. We couldn't believe our eyes . Too good to be true.This was no place neither the time for young woman to jog along, that too alone.


we approached her slowly & hesitantly ,although on inside we just wanted to run towards her with our hands waiving. A kind & beautiful woman greeted us with pleasantries.After brief description of our situation she was ready for help.she asked us to walk along her. on our way we described our ordeal in detail and provided her with whatever vague details we had of our hotel vicinity.She soon figured out the place where we were supposed to go.All this while the road remained as deserted as before & the heavy rains were unrelenting. But we were no longer afraid. Infact we were enjoying the walk. Our guarding Angel was walking besides us. We had no fear.

Her car was parked some distance away .we were hesitant to enter the car,because we were all drenched up & would have instantly spoilt her luxurious interiors. she was least bothered about the condition of the car and signaled us to hop in. She dropped us to a metro station about few away from where we could get a train to our hotel. We definitely had left our proof of presence in the car . It was a mess .
We were so overwhelmed with gratitude that words could not describe it. We were speechless & spellbound . At this moment our belief in humanity took a different turn altogether.There may be hundreds of people in this world who would have made you feel that this society has lost its glory. people are not connected to each other , the way they used to be.It is every man for himself. A race for survival of the fittest.

But then one fine day, A soul like Dr Sooryana comes along & the sun shines again. They make you trust this humanity .A good deed by one person overshadows many wrongs done by hundreds. We bless form you our heart

Thank you Dr. sooryana





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