The oldest place on Earth: the Great Savannah #2: Mauraik.

Hello my dear friends, here you have the second installment of "My Life in the great Savannah." This time I will tell you about a beautiful place owned by our family; as I mentioned in the previous installment, these lands are inhabited by indigenous communities of the Pemon ethnic group. Consequently, they are not bought or sold, they are an ancestral property of the indigenous. Here the "Criollos"-as they call us- have no right, unless you are the wife or the husband of one of them, so here I am, enjoying by affinity of this wonderful privilege!

Located about two kilometers from the community of Kumarakapay, going along the road "trunk 10" with direction towards Ciudad Bolívar, you will find a path not paved by where you can go through small cars to some extent; With larger vehicles, you can get to the paradise I'm going to show you. We arrived by car, or walking, in any way is a wonderful experience.

This is the path that leads us to Mauraik.
About 15 minutes by car or 45 minutes walking
from the main road.

As we go into the road, the ground is turning from red to white sand. With the "Tepuyes" in the background, the total absence of the noises that we normally hear in the city, here the senses perceive things that we normally do not achieve. Little crickets, little birds, the sound of our footsteps, our breath, the wind. You come into contact with your natural environment and yourself in a spontaneous and inevitable way.

The vegetation, for most of the road, is short, without large trees, only a species of grass very hard and dry; The vegetable cover is extremely fragile. Where a vehicle passes, it leaves its footprints marked and the vegetation dies. Therefore we must be careful to follow the paths already plotted and not open new trails.

In some parts of the way, the vegetation is transformed into small forests,
indicative that there is water nearby.

After about 45 minutes walking, we climbed a small mountain and we can spot our "churuata", so the Indians call the typical huts built with trunks and branches of ”moriche” (palm species). This is our "Churuata", built by my husband @rdelgadop with the help of his Relatives, as part of their ancestral custom of a mutual collaboration called "Mayu."

Well, prepare to meet our wonderful camp, our virgin, ancestral, magical and God-blessed land: MAURAIK!

This is our natural pool. Initially, only us knew this place; over time, it has been discovered by some adventurous tourists looking for more secluded and hidden places, where not everyone arrives; we have no problems with this as long as they leave the place as clean as they got it.

This is the view of the part that is above the pool. It has small puddles for the little ones. In the background the magnificent Tepuys!

In this wonderful place, we celebrate the birthday of my little Louis. The guests, their classmates from the 4th and 5th grade. All of them children of the ethnic Pemon!

A very fun and relaxed birthday.

Time to sing Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday, honey!

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. I say goodbye again thanking
in the language Taurepan "Wakupe man".

I have a lot of places to show you, so watch out for a next installment of "My Life in the great Savannah"

If you missed the first installment, you can find it here:

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