BoldspiritTravels on a budget: Off we go! Cali and its “el Viajero”, Colombia. [Solo backpacking on a budget in Latin America]

There are many parts of Colombia worth discovering. I loved travelling across South America, but I had this constant feeling that I should have much more time at my disposal in order to experience more. That’s crazy because I was already doing a lot. But this feeling of dissatisfaction and a little disappointment. I guess it is natural until we learn to accept that there will always be something that we couldn’t see or do and that it is okay  Isn’t this approach healthier and more kind to our inner self? 😃 💛

There were 3 areas that I wanted to explore while being in Colombia. Its capital – Bogota as it would give me a perspective and a possibility of comparing it with other parts of the country. Cali- Colombian capital of Salsa music and dance, simply because I love to dance and my idea was to learn a little bit from the “native” dancers. Thirdly – Medellin and a coffee region, with its green scenery, powerful and peaceful nature since I imagined it would become my little dose of mindful retreat.

I stayed in Bogota longer than I expected, mostly because my host and his family were so kind and carrying to me. They made me feel like another family member. It only made me realise that I was missing my loved ones so much. I guess, well at least this is true in my case, while you travel or work abroad, far away from your loved ones, it’s easier not to concentrate on this empty hole in your heart. I mean you can, but it could jeopardise your projects or you could find it difficult to concentrate on your goals/performance.

So here I was on a bus heading Cali, my second destination. As usual, I decided to take a bus instead of, much more expensive, a plane. The ride takes approximately twelve hours so I opted for a night ride. This way I didn’t have to worry that I was loosing so much precious time on a bus, instead of doing something productive/interesting etc. And yes, it was a simple way of saving a few bucks for an accommodation for that particular night. 😅 In fact, this remains my advice for people who want to travel on a tight budget. Sure, you will be tired the next day, no doubt in that, but… If you can have a strong coffee (I don’t recommend red bulls and other super unhealthy drinks) that will help you throughout the day, it is worth it. 😅

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I did not organise myself well enough to find a trustworthy host on Couchsurfing in Cali. I have already wrote about how important it is to pay attention and verify thoroughly the accounts of possible hosts on Couchsurfing (you can find my posts about how it works here: # 1, # 2, # 3, # 4). The community itself is great and has a lot to offer. But nonetheless, it is our responsibility to remain safe.

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Therefore, in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises or put myself in a possibly risky situation, I decided to stay for a night or two in a hostel. I found something interesting, next to the city centre, with a swimming pool and hammocks. 😍 A bed in a dormitory was cheap, but both toilets and bathrooms were outside the dorm. A breakfast was included in an overall price and, most importantly, the hostel had very good and recent opinions. It was called “EL VIAJERO CALI” (here is its webpage) and I do feel comfortable in recommending it to you, guys. I enjoyed it that much that when I went to Cartagena I decided to choose the same hostel brand (“el viajero”), but it wasn’t as pleasant as in Cali. But that’s for the other occasion. ;)

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You know what, I remember having this obvious thought struck me while I was staying in the hostel. How cheaper it is, when we talk about accommodation, to travel with someone else. I mean it is obvious, but not always the differences are so small. I stayed in very exclusive and comfortable eight-bed dormitory and I paid almost the same price that I would have paid for a bed in a room for 2 people.

Photos from hostel’s website

Thank you for being here with me. I hope until next time!
Pura Vida and enjoy your journey! 💛

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