The Search For The Broken Troll D*ck In Norway

Nope - this is not a clickbait title, this is a real thing. Near Stavanger on the west coast of Norway there is a rock formation that famously looks like.. well, a Troll's nether-region. Just an hours drive from the centre of Stavanger and a short 2 kilometre hike and there it is, in all its glory. However, there's a problem ... its been cut off! Rumour has it that local farmers have strategically placed dynamite at the base of this thing and have taken it upon themselves to castrate the popular hiking destinations end point.

So to speak.

The story goes that the farmers in the region weren't all to excited about the hiking tourists in the area searching for this thing... quite understandably. So they thought by cutting the thing down - that would put an end to the people in the area, however now that the story has been spread across local media there are more people going to see it than ever. Myself included..

The local community is now raising money to erm, raise it up again. The first attempt was a fail as over 100,000 Norwegian Kronors have been raised for a helicopter to come and lift it up, however it was too heavy so the planning continues.


It is a public area and hiking there is completely legal - and I recommend it if you're in the area. Just search for "trollpikken" (literally, troll d*ck in Norwegian) and there it is on google maps! The hike itself is beautiful, and I hope you enjoy the pics below!

Here is a before pic when it stood proudly for all to see:

Current pictures from my hike:

And it's present state...

Happy hiking :)


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