3062 - Most Economical Vacation Destinations Around The world

A list of top ten most economical cities to spend a vacation around the world is out. India tops any other country of most economical destinations with four of it's cities making this list. The worst destinations for your vacation cost wise would be New York where I am spending my two weeks family vacation now, Dubai, London, Singapore... Yes, cities where the average income is high are also bad for your pocket when choosing a vacation spot.

Something to note is that New Delhi which made the tenth spot on this list is actually the worst destination for Indians themselves as the average income in India falls below the level to enjoy visiting or living in New Delhi. Before you start criticizing the Indian government, I have the same feeling myself visiting New York from Ohio, the cost of visiting/living in New York for Americans is the same like that for Indians visiting/living in New Delhi.

Now let's look at the top ten list:

1 - Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2 - Lagos, Nigeria.

3 - Bangalore, India.

4 - Karachi - Pakistan.

5 - Algiers, Algeria.

6 - Chennai, India.

7 - Mumbai, India.

8 - Kiev, Ukraine.

9 - Bucharest, Romania.

10 - New Delhi, India.

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