Drink with locals at a baseball themed brewery in Toronto

There's a baseball themed microbrewery in Toronto called Left Field. I've tried their beer at different bars around the city and was looking forward to seeing what their brewery was like. Left Field is located in the east end of Toronto, near the Little India neighborhood and is surprisingly down an alley-like side street in a primarily residential area. Even though Left Field beer is fairly well known in Toronto now, it felt like discovering a hidden a gem. The decor definitely screams baseball but it's quite refined. Don't expect to see random baseball paraphernalia of your favourite teams here.


There are a few tables inside where you can sit and have a pint or a flight of beers, I chose the latter. I think this is the best way to see what a brewery has to offer and the different flavours they have in their beers. Each glass is priced between $2.50-$2.75 CAD so it's affordable. From left to right, I tried these four beers:

  • Squeeze Play, blood orange and tart cherry sour ale - citrus-y, refreshing and quite sour.
  • Bricks & Mortar, coffee porter - dark and rich but not too heavy.
  • Laser Show, Vermont style IIPA - very hoppy but not very bitter like other double IPAs.
  • Maris, pale ale - a light, smooth and easy drinking beer.


Left Field has a really chill vibe that you don't really see at the breweries downtown. One side had a few picnic tables where families were hanging out with their kids and eating snacks they brought. You're allowed to bring your own food here, isn't that amazing? They do sell a few packets of pepperettes in their fridge, but that's it. My friends told me sometimes they order delivery straight to the brewery.


I think if you're in Toronto this is a definitely a brewery worth checking out even if you're not a baseball fan. The beer is great and the vibe is unlike any other brewery in Toronto. You can order yourself whatever food you want or what I would do is eat at the Egyptian restaurant around the corner called Maha's which is super delicious (and cheap). You can have a stroll through Little India nearby as well to make a day of it.

left field brewery.jpg

Left Field Brewery
36 Wagstaff Drive, Toronto, ON M4L 3W9
(647) 346-5001

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