Ueno Park in Tokyo Japan

Al though the cherry blossom season has passed, but touris who have visited ___Ueno Park___have their own romantic, and in this heart it there is time and opportunity come again.


Japan's concern a bout open space in Cities such as Ueno Park in Tokyo, is a concept that is related to the environment and a place to meet people to socialize with other communities.


There is an expanse in the middle of Tokyo City with, an area of appotimantly 54 hectares, Ueno open space lacated in Toita-ku distric, Tokyo a vast park according to history is gift from the emperor Ueno onshikoen.


In Indonesia if you only see cherry blossoms in the Cibodas botanical garden, flowering, january_ february and july _ august. But if you see a cherry blossom from the atmosphere of the Ueno Park. There are hundreds of type of cherry in Ueno park.


Ueno park is popular as a place to cherry blossom, when the cherry blossom are in spring, in bloom this park is visited by local and foreign tourist.


During the Hanami season, Ueno park is very famous by festival cherry blossom, morr than a thousand lanterns of lights a round the trees, cherry blossoms seen at night, there are reflections of pink cherry blossoms with are reflected by lamps really romantic.


Ueno park is quite large, it is better before going s round in the park, what activities see the activities in the park. If not direted then quickly reach on foot.

hgcz10.jpg cherri blossom in the botanical garden indonesia

Ueno park has been establisted for a long time, since in 1876, Ueno park was completed and begon to be opened to the public. In Ueno park there is statude a liven to commemorale the centenary of the founding of Ueno park, a museum an zoo.



In side the Ueno park there is a large pond, called the Shinobazu pond, this large pond can rides, in the garden of Ueno not only planted with cherry trees which bloom in spring. But there are trees for all seasons, in this park also has 10000 trees of various typres of trees in cluding there are opptolimayely 1200 cherry trees.


In this vast park there are many activities that need to be visited for education and sciene in the Ueno park, such as Museum. This Museum also has more than one building, museum this such as the Tokyo National museum, the oldest collection of art objects from Asian and Japaness archaelogsts.


There is the Tokyo Metropolitan art museum, the museum that shows ancient technology during the war, this park is not only a completed facility within the park, that can be found, this park is also atrractive and bestiful because of theblosh shady trres and romantic, thank you.

Juny, 2020.

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